So as not to get the wrath of anyone concerned with the fact that I have NO POSTS on this forum, please be advised that this is indeed my first post. Having settled that issue, I'd like to speak about what I've read and what I'm familiar with concerning Pheasant Run Sportsman's Club. First off, if you are a loner, or one who prefers to have his own secret spots, so you can kill " Booners" & " P&Y's" with no intrusion from others, this club is not for you. If you are fortunate enough to have private property to yourself to hunt on LI, feel blessed! If you are one of the many who must endure the nonsense of trying to hunt state land or Suffolk Co land , you understand the pitfalls and frustrations associated with that. Lets just remember for a moment how last years Super Storm ruined prime time hunting for many because State Land was closed for supposed safety reasons So that leaves you to another option which is to join a club. There are several on LI, some more expensive than others. They all have rules and they all have issues . They all have folks you won't like and folks you'll make friends with. PRSC has been around for a long time. I have been involved with them for the better part of 15 years. I occasionally bird hunt. I Have never taken advantage of the awesome duck hinting opportunities. And I Strictly Bow Hunt. My experiences have been very good, and I've met a lot of great guys and gals along the way. Bob has been very good to me over the years, and I've always tried to be an ambassador for the club by helping out at shows and events and trying to build on our membership . Its not easy....but I try to promote the club wherever and whenever I can. Reading through some of these threads makes me mad. But in all honesty, I understand a lot of what has been said, and yes, some of it is true. It is not a perfect club! There have been problems and issues with property owners over the years. And yes Bob, can be his own worst enemy at times, because he wants so bad for people to have good experiences and success, that he looses sight of the details and issues that need to be addressed . But at the end of the day, he is a good hearted man who loves hunting, and likes to gather us together and share good times and great stories of the hunt. Do we drink after we hunt.....hell yea ..we celebrate camaraderie and success, and friendship! Tell me what upstate deer camp doesn't do that, and then some! No one ever over indulges, unless of course, they are sleeping on the premises. And yes, we are able to do that!!! Bob is entitled to make as much money as he possibly can, this is America after all .. But honestly, 1300.00 per year is a very fair price for what we get. Our properties are great. Mushroom pickers and ATV riders are all over LI lands and honestly, they do not interfere with most of our hunting opportunities. We all work around Having said all of this, please believe me when I say that we are NOT a perfect club. We have had issues in our past but we ARE trying to make things better by stabilizing our properties , and improving management policies both for members and for the game we love to hunt. And as for Bob, well, he's learn in life that not everyone is what they perceive themselves as.... I laugh with him, and I laugh at him, as do most of our members, but we understand where his
heart is at at all times. And for this member I will always be grateful for having him around to enjoy my passion for deer hunting and great times! You are all entitled to offer opposing opinions on the club and its myriad of past issues. However, your opinions should revolve around CLUB issues, not the owners family members and what he does with his money. I'm sure each and every member on this forum has a family member with some sort if disability. It's an unfortunate part of life. I'm glad that Bob decided to support his son and help him out rather than cast him away like so many other parents seem to do with such ease these days......happy hunting everyone and Happy Thanksgiving. We ALL have plenty to be thankful for ....