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  1. How about this? http://www.dos.ny.gov/lg/publications/CitizenGuidetoPetitions.pdf
  2. Awesome! I can't wait to get out there. I've heard about Fawn pond so I'll check that out. I just wonder, if thats a bust, what other areas to check out. Any good rabbit spots?
  3. Hey all, I am looking to head over to the Partridge Run WMA this coming week to do a little grouse/woodcock/rabbit hunting. Does anyone have any good tips in terms of a good location to start? This WMA is pretty big so having an area to concentrate in would be a BIG help. Not looking to steal anyone's "secret" spot, just looking for some guidance. Oh and this is my first time grouse hunting sooo any tips are welcome!! Thanks!
  4. It seems to me, even from the people who responded to this post, that there is a decent amount of interest in creating a dove season in NY. Mike, you seem to be the most knowledgeable on the subject (at least of those who have posted) so is there something that we can start/do collectively to actually get the ball rolling in terms of actually creating a season? I, for one, would be all for signing a petition to create a dove season in NY and it sounds like others here would be interested as well.
  5. Cusehunter, I went onto the DEC website and checked out the map. What are some different "layers" that I should use to help me zone in on good public waterfowl spots?
  6. Hey everybody, how's it going? My name is Josh and I am relatively new to waterfowl hunting, both duck and goose. As such, I need some help in terms of decent, public, places to go in the southeastern zone. I am close to the Albany area so the close to that, the better. Any locations, tips, or advice would be much appreciated!!
  7. They sure do look delicious. azhuntress, I have been looking further into trekking down to PA to hunt them as well next season. Do you, or anyone for that matter, know of any good that are relatively close to the Albany, NY area (Northeast PA area)? Lawdwaz, looks like youve had some pretty successful hunts in the past!! Where is your favorite place to go? Mike, thanks for the clarification. That's pretty sad that the DEC determined whether or not to have a dove season based upon a single question in a small game survey.
  8. Thanks! He seems very well informed and I "liked" the facebook page that he is apart of. It seems silly to me that there is no established dove season in NY. I wish there was more that I could do, other than post on a forum.
  9. What would it take to open up a new hunting season, more specifically a dove season? As many of you may already know, Iowa recently became the 42nd state to open up a dove season. So why not NY? I know there was a survey sent out to 5,000 NY small game hunters and the results were pretty sad (almost half didn't even answer). So what is preventing the there from being a dove season here? What would it take to open one up? And yes, this is my first post, HELLO to all!!!
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