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Maryland Deer Hunter

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Posts posted by Maryland Deer Hunter

  1. If he didn't care what was said he wouldn't have made an account verified his email address and responded to all the criticism. It's obvious he has a need for others to praise him. Maybe daddy didn't go to his t-ball games?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    It was little league football.....YOU BASTARD....LITTLE LEAGUE FOOTBALL!!!


    ...I'm gonna need another box of tissues...


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  2. Dont you have cwd in your state?  I believe you do and have for many.many years?  Whats your thought?  Any in your area of hunting?


    Yes, it's been found in deer in Allegany county in western Maryland. That's in the finger of Maryland that's between West VA and PA. As far as I know that's the only area of MD where it's been found.

    We do have a big problem with Lyme disease carrying ticks in much of Maryland. It doesn't affect the deer but it's a terrible disease for humans. It's great to be able to deer hunt in early September but the ticks can be thick.

  3. I would never have the need or want to kill four deer in one sitting, but if I did I would do it the same way.. with hopefully the same results. Pretty sure I don't have the skill to shoot four deer that quickly. Having said that... I don't get rapped up in the whole ethical shooting thing when it comes to a killing sport like deer hunting... you can't kill what you don't shoot at...killing is killing regardless of how neat you try to make it... didn't have any problem with the video or the hunter until he started posting.. still have no problem with the video, but after further review the hunter seems like kind of a D-bag... :)


    Yea, I can see how you'd think that. I kinda got rubbed the wrong way by some of these comments and turned into a dick.

    As far as killing the deer, they are so overpopulated in this county that it needs to be done. The county just hired sharpshooters that killed 29 deer in Rock Creek Park (a local county park) the last two nights. They want to do it till they kill 100 deer. That's one reason I take this many does. If us hunters don't do it, this it what ends up happening.


    Anyway, check out some of my bow kill vids, you'll see that I'm not as bad as I came off to be.

  4. Yeah no kidding.  I guess that shows why the vid was put up in the first place!  9 More!


    To date I have about 80 self-videoed whitetail kills and will be adding more to my youtube channel....enjoy.


  5. Whoa...back up the horse... get off the train and hold the boat!!! You didn't just say that...really ??...Come on!!.... Don't like their opinions...say you think the opinions are not quiet accurate from your view and the experiences as the shooter...

    But don't step off the platform and into the train by using the same type of opinion toward them as they used or you perceived they used toward you...I hate this term....seriously hate it, but..there comes a time to say "WHAT EVER!" and just move on...Agree to disagree and not have to be the last one kicking sand as they leave the sand box....


    Come on, I can't ride a horse and a train at the same time?


    Seriously though, either you like the video or you don't. But when the first guy says "didn't see a single clean kill", he's just being a hater. First deer was double lunged with a 12 ga slug at 30 yards....sorry, but it doesn't get much cleaner that that. And it's pretty clear in the video that that's what happened.


    I guess some of these comments get to me, especially when they're so off the wall. And you're right, I'll keep "whatever" in mind for the same kind of future comments....I'm sure I'll get them.


  6. he could have edited out the other three deer and just shown the one that required two shots and the pro's would still have come out of the woodwork and criticized him..........


    I did edit it...I removed the tree that fell on the last two deer.

  7. It doesn't make me giggle... but what makes me scratch my head and question is when someone posts a video like that all over the internet and then calls someone a "self righteous pompous ass". 


    The fact that you were shooting at a second and third deer before the first deer even stopped running away from you was enough to make my opinion unsupportive. Just because a deer dropped, doesn't mean it's finished and clearly it got up and started running away from you as you focused on trying to get your four in 9 seconds...  


    A good many of your videos are about self promotion focused on how many deer you can shoot in so many seconds... we get it, it's what gets you off and notoriety. Good for you. Just don't expect everyone to like it. "Smoke em if you got em"... bla bla 


    I can't help it that you don't know enough about hunting to know that a deer shot at 30 yards with a 12 ga slug through both lungs is a dead deer, end of story. You're making comments that show that you obviously don't know what you're talking about, but you thing that you do.


    You're either a self righteous pompous ass or a idiot...


    I'm pretty sure it's both.


  8. Lay waste was a bit much ..sorry. But at the start of the video he says that some one radioed to him that he was pushing deer his way. Then the deer come running in. Just like they're being pushed.


    It's called a deer drive...


  9. Wow. Never saw where it was a drive. Were was that? The lay waste comment is a bit over the top don't you think? Why not follow up with how their fawns will grow up without parents or they will never have a chance to meet their true love?


    Wow, now you're just making me feel bad....anyone have a tissue?

  10. I think we can all agree that shooting a nice buck is a little different from laying waste to a bunch of running does that were pushed to you. And no..I have no problem with people who drive deer.


    Oh no, I added some pics of some of my bucks to the end of the video....I'm in trouble now...


  11. No….I said it was a loser move and shooting at a bunch of running deer is IMHO a loser move.. Why so defensive about my opinion of a guy shooting at a bunch of running deer and stacking them up?? OH…thats right…One more time ..if its legal, and you want to do it then do it. Don't brag about it.

    "shooting at a bunch of running deer"...come on, only one was running.  And just think, if I didn't post this video then you guys wouldn't be having all this fun!!

  12. This might be one of the dumbest threads on record. Can we re-analyze the shots again and come up with some csi graphics. I want speeds of the moving deer, fps of the slugs, air temp, wind direction and speed, the color of his undies, how he voted in the last two elections and what he had for lunch the day before last Tuesday. And then we can go over what ifs if we have time.


    I've been reading them all and am very entertained. Let me know if I can help....I have a chrony and can let you know what my shotgun is getting out of these Remington Sluggers that I was using.


  13. There are no "what-ifs" regarding that this is a video that glorifies running shots....... Let's see if we can get to those 35 pages .... lol. We haven't had one of those in a long time.


    Come on, Doc, only one was running....


  14. What ifs...what if the camera fell and we didn't see who shot what...what if the deer had all been penned and released ...what if he missed the last two and a tree dropped on them...what if...this now pointless thread manages to get to 35 pages on the tide of what if's....


    Ok...I admit it.....a tree fell on the last two...


  15. Something that occurred to me when reading this thread that I think most of us can relate to is tracking. I hunt a lot of thick areas and I realize this is pretty open hardwoods, but the first thing I do after shooting is to try and watch the deer as it's running away. Perhaps mark a few trees it ran buy in case it doesn't bleed right away like some slug wounds are known to. Now what if he fatally wounded the first deer but the exit wound plugged? Would he have any idea even which direction it ran because he's focused on shooting more deer?

    Idk... Just asking not making any statements.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Again, that deer was at 30 yards and I hit her in the shoulder, putting it through both lungs. I know what a 12 ga slug does to a deer and knew that deer was dead.


  16. I just watched the video a second time... even worse than I thought because this guy was shooting at second and third deer before the first one even stopped running away from him. In my opinion, thats a solid definition of a slob regardless of your opinion on running pot shots. 


    Then maybe you should watch it again. I've repeated this many times, so here it goes again.


    I've been hunting deer with a shotgun for over 30 years. I shot the 1st doe through both lungs at 30 yards with a 12 ga slug. Dead deer, end of story. I know what a 12 ga slug does to a deer and knew that deer was dead, no need for a follow-up shot. I spine shot the second one and it dropped. I figured it was over when the last two started running, but then they stopped at close range and froze. They were standing still when I shot each of them, dropping them in their tracks. It did take 25 seconds for the follow-up shot on the second one. Yes, it could have been faster, but it wasn't. It is what it is....

  17. So you admit you dont have the skill to do it, then try to preach on how you learn to do it? Talking like that on subjects you dont know about just makes you look like a fool.


    Yep, seems like there are a lot of fools on here.


  18. You guys are a bunch of sissies..


    I have seen videos of Barry Wensel, who has shot MANY more big bucks than ANY of you, shooting deer on the run with his recurve.


    Of course, the key to his great success was the fact that he had his stupid looking hat on sideways..


    I think you guys who can't kill running deer are just wearing your hats the wrong way.


    ....my hat was on sideways.....


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