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    New York
  • Hunting Gun
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Thank you everyone! I'm going to give the DEC a call to hear what they have to say. I'll let y'all know what comes of it. Worst case scenario is that I wait a couple months, which isn't a big deal. Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks, bubba. So right now I should just periodically check if new classes are added?
  3. Hi everyone. I just got my first rifle a few months ago and I'm excited about getting into sport shooting and hunting. NY DEC offers a "home study course" where you take an online class and then go in person to take a test. I finished up the online course through hunter-ed.com. I recieved my voucher to bring in to the in-person portion. Here's the problem: There are no courses even being offered. Is this something that is only offered seasonally? Are there private gunshops or outdoors/sportsman stores that have persons certified to help me finish up my hunter safety? Thanks!!
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