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Posts posted by dead2rights

  1. I had an issue with my Savage axis in .308 last year. i bought it and put a scope on it. i got a box of rem 180 grain ammo at Walmart...... first mistake. i went thru 2 boxes of them damn shells just trying to get 2 shots close to each other. After i fought with it i went and bought a box of 150 grain shells from bass pro. 3 shots and i was dead on. now this could have been one of 2 things. i was using too heavy grain load for the gun, or i bought junk ammo from walmart. i contacted a few friends and remmington. they all said the same thing. walmart gets the junk mismatched ammo. you can never be safe in knowing you will have a consistent box of ammo from there. be safe and buy from your local gun shop or a big chain like bass pro or cabellas. just my 2 cents but i have never had that issue since

  2. Hello, Just wondering and i know i will catch hell for not knowing this prior to purchasing the gun but i have to ask.....



    Can I use the 7.62x59 NATO round in my .308 rifle. I just purchased the gun, well i traded up my shotgun for it as i wanted more long range. I have heard you can use the NATO round and then i hear you can not.... any help here will be great....

  3. Well i appreciate the help guys. and i just found out i landed a 150 acre parcel that i will nearly be on alone for a major part of the deer season. this piece i have been given permission to put as many stands and blinds as i can/ want. ill see if i can get a good pic of this land layout and get some ideas from you guys too. all of this is a huge help and i hope it helps to get some meat in the freeer....

  4. Ok so for a better detail of what i have known of this land.......


    Access is from the right side of the pic along the creek bottom. it is approx 1000ft from the right edge of the woods to the closest point of the fairway above the creek. the right edge of the woods bordering the field is another 1000ft.(approx) pic does not show but there is a very steep incline from creek bottom to top of the field on the right side.The small wood lot above the creek ius where i will mainly be setting up for deer season so i do not disturb the golf course as asked by the owner. it is a small tract of land but has always produced deer. I hunted here with my dad and grand dad when i was younger and they always got the deer, and we always got a bag limit of squirrel each anytime we hunted here. I am still trying to talk the land owner into letting me use tree stands but he was very hesitant on it when asked initially. So i was thinking of just making a few different ground blinds so as not to piss him off this year and maybe work up to it next year given the chance to hunt it again. I have not gone out to walk the land yet this year and have not stepped foot in the woods there since i was 16. im sure much of it is just as it was back then but some things will be different. the pines were always low hanging, there were always a few good trails in and out, and the deer and squirrel would always be in the open area just below the big patch of pines in the center. Just as a reference, the creek bottom and lower side is private land that is posted and no access granted to anyone, it also has a 50 cliff from creek to top. straight up and down and only a few trails that come down off it. If there is any other info you guys may need to get some better ideas just ask and ill gladly help you paint a pic if you can help me get some stand/blind placement ideas.

  5. Hey guys. Just found out I have been given permission to hunt some land for this year and next. I have been given the ok to set up ground blinds and non permanent tree stands. The property has a small creek running through the very bottom of it on the south end. West side of property borders a golf course. North and East sides have fields usually set with hay. There is a wide variety of hardwoods and a few small pine plots in the middle and around the edges of the land. Where would you guys think best area to set up stands and why. Ill try to find a way to load a pic of an arial view soon

  6. Hey im looking for a deer rifle at a decent price for my wife. im thinking of something in a .243 caliber maybe a single shot. It doesnt have to be pretty but has to shoot. not looking to spend a ton on this as i dont know if she is going to stay in the sport and do not want to waste a ton of money if she decides not to like it... if you have anything you would like to seel let me know. Thanks

  7. Hey thanks for having me here and i hope to get and give as much help and info as possible. so far looks like a great site with a very user friendly layout. is there any app for android phones for mobile use? are there any fellow hunters from the chemung waverly area?

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