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Everything posted by MrDJay

  1. Recent update: My case is conditionally dismissed. (ACD). The condition is that next 6 months out of trouble, then all records related to it will be destroyed. So it took me 3 appearances in court, representing myself (aka Pro Se). The Judge was kind enough to keep on advising me to find an attorney to represent me, but frankly speaking I was a bit worried about the cost associated with that and I am not qualified in any Legal Aid programs. I had high education, confident debating skills and confidence in my case so I decided to leave the matter in my own hands. So after doing lots of research of the procedures in the path of such legal cases, and consulting some close friend of mine who is an attorney, I was able to defend myself in the court, providing a affidavit and eventually got it dismissed. All in all I am grateful to lots of folks here who helped me in many ways and encouraged me that I should try to fight the case. And I will be very careful going forward whenever going on such a trip.
  2. Got it. Thanks for the recommendations! I will use a hand pump for now... to show to wife that i am serious about doing this sports. not just a short term interest. later on i will then convince her on additional investment to a carbon tank. =)
  3. bubba, Thanks for the reply. What does JP stand for? I was not intending to use air-rifle to hunt for deer there,but was planning to look for squirrel hunting spot there. I will go to the court to explain my story. The police officers who issued me the ticket did not even talk to me before writing the ticket. All he and his partner knew was from the officer to came first to the scene while I was cuffed in the police car and waiting here.
  4. Shawn, The MRod .25 is absolutely awesome. I set up a simple 10-yard in-door target at my garage (god this time i called the local police to make sure they are ok with such plinking/target shooting indoor...). . Although it may be too short distance to judge, but so far i have shot several groups of 8-pellet rounds and they all grouped very closely. many of which are going through same holes. that is from 3000 psi to 1000 psi. But i need a longer range (25 or 50 yards) to have more tests. What i appreciate more beside the power and accuracy is the quietness. At this caliber and power, It did not sound too loud while another model i tried and returned (Hatsun AT P1) just sounds like a real gun . it was too much to play that Hatsun indoor but Mrod has its shrouded barrel which act like a silencer out of box. Only issue is that it takes quite some effort to pump it back to 3000 psi. Maybe that is the challenge with all PCP air guns. Maybe I should get a scuba tank to fill it up in future if i shoot too often.
  5. I will call them today and check it again. And update here
  6. Thanks for your advice on this! I will call the parks and recreation office at storm king to learn the restriction just for my information and what i am dealing with in court. I am glad to learn that this is just a monetary penalty not involving anything more serious but I learnt my lessons. probably it is good in the long run for a new hunter like me. I will try to see the bright side of this incident. Feel quite a bit shocked in that kind of situation (knee on the ground , cuffed with two police guns pointing at me) and i did not get their names or police IDs. I reviewed the dash cam, it seems like that they did not do anything beyond some "standard procedure" (what i knew from TVs or movies). No disrespectful acts (cursing or threatening etc). Only disagreement to me was the ticket of hunting in the state park ticket and i will use dash cam recording as my evidence. Will try to explain and fight for their other ticket too. Thanks again for your suggestions!
  7. First of all, I truly admit that it was a poor judgement on my part. It was the first weekend that I received my Marauder .25 air rifle and I thought I need to bring it out to try find some squirrel. I did some research on DEC website before I go and two mistakes I have made: 1. I did not notice that Storm King was for deer hunting only (god I wish I have came here for all posts before heading there) 2. I did not call that number listed on DEC website for Storm King Park ranger before I go. Now what happened to me: I parked my car along 9W Parking area. And I came down the vehicle to take a look. That day it started snowing hard and I did not want to just go home without even trying to check it out. I wandered about 15 minutes at the parking area of Storm King Park, realizing that it may be a mistake even coming here. And then I decided to go back to my vehicle , double check that the gun is unloaded and packed up before driving back home. That's when I opened my trunk and took it out , pointing the muzzle downwards and check to see if it is cocked and if any pellets are loaded. I think that's when some drive-by patrol officer saw me with that air rifle , near my car's trunk. When I go back to car after packing stuff up ready to go home, two police cars came to the parking lot with their gun loaded and shouting to me "hands where i can see you, get out of the vehicle, knees on the ground, i was hand-cuffed, searched and all that. then they checked all my licenses, plates etc. and we then waited for park police. In the end, the first police car that responded this case told me that he won't charge me anything and it seems to be just a poor judgement. but the park police issued me two tickets: hunt in the park, carrying firearms in the park. I have some questions: 1. no witness see me hunt in the park, because i did not. .. . and I have a dash camera that video taped everything I have done before the police officers arrived. which was standing in the snow and looking at the map. I did not discharge any pellets, only took it out to check all safeties before going back home. When the police officer arrived, my air rifle was unloaded in my trunk of the car. can I beg the town judge's pardon in court on this charge of "hunt in the park" ticket? is there any possible to contest it? 2. i guess i may not be able to get away with the carrying firarms in a state park ticket. . . how heavy such penalty can be? i asked the park police before he lets me go, he said it is just a 30USD - 100 USD fine. I hope it is just a fine that I can learn my lesson, not jail time or other felony records? I know this is truly a stupid rookie mistake on my part. I will never do such stupid thing again. And of course will read all posts here before going for any other trips. Hopefully i can find some experience buddies here to take me with your hunting trip, even just help you carrying your gears and observe what are the right thing to do, even to park at the right place... Thanks for any advice. I feel extremely awful now , partly from that shocking experience of being pushed to the ground and searched with two guns pointing to you and handcuffed, partly from my stupid mistake and the excitement of taking the new air gun for some small games. (at a wrong place...)
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