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Everything posted by sampotter

  1. You stole my idea! A meet and greet somewhere central would be fun. We could all wear name tags with our screen names on them and such.
  2. Good luck. I have found 2 broken off sections of antler, but never connected them to their source.
  3. I vote not the same deer. Similar. I could be wrong. That buck in 09 was plenty mature too. His left antler that year had a bit of character to it with the long G2, funny g4, and main beam tip that curves up sharply. The dead buck has none of that and is very symetrical.
  4. pretty sure it wasn't 11/3. It was 63 degrees in Cortland on that dat and 60 the day before. No precip either day. Pretty sure that is snow in the pic?
  5. I don't think that buck was all that old. 3?
  6. No bigger pics. Was sent to my cell. Can try to find out more.
  7. A guy I have hunted with got this buck on his trail cam near Rochester, NY, but didn't check it until 2 days ago. The very next day he was sent pic #2 by another guy who hunts the same property. He was following up on a shot on a different buck and stumbled across this guy dead. You can see that the coyotes have been at it. Talk about a letdown. NT 1.bmp NT 2.bmp
  8. Have seen that pic before -I think on B+C. A farmed hoax.
  9. You did the right thing. As for having the conversation in person VS in writing- its easier to think carefully about what you write rather than what you say in the heat of the moment. Also- waiting a couple of days to clear your head was a good idea too for the same reason. You have to stand up for what you believe in.
  10. For you guys that have a good understanding of B+C scoring- what's the call- A) a 7 pt mainframe w/4 droptines or 9 pt mainframe, 2 droptines and 2 mainbeams that droop down? I like option B although I can't say which way will score higher. Either way- helluva buck. That mass is awesome!
  11. I take my hat off to the hunters that passed this buck (or any buck) because of the EAB program. There are a lot of positive words that can be used to describe these individuals. Honestly- I'd rather hear their close encounter story than this other one. Sometimes just being close enough to have done it and watching them instead is enough. I love antlers, but I get nearly as much of a rise by finding a big shed and imagining the future rather than what was. Again- hats off to the Cornell EAB guys!
  12. That's a cool looking buck. Congratulations to your buddy. Is there a story to go with it?
  13. I can't say I've been in many spots where you can see 300 yds in the adks much less have a shot that far. I would think shotguns would help more bucks of all ages survive.
  14. This is certainly true. Didn't you guys hear about the few isolated incidences of this in people? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1378184/Woman-discovers-twins-sons-DIFFERENT-fathers-The-Maury-Show.html http://www.google.com/search?q=twins+with+different+fathers&hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GGLS_enUS404US404&site=webhp&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=wfjXTrT8HsbM2AWlsY3WDg&sqi=2&ved=0CDYQsAQ&biw=1000&bih=527
  15. If it is the same gun I had I'm pretty sure its value is <$200, but you might want to bring it to a gunshop to be sure.
  16. I have never seen an "old" spike. I've seen big bodied spikes, small antlered spikes, big antlered spikes, but never an old spike. I hunt a week per year in the middle of the ADKs with some of the poorest, most acidic soils in the whole state. Every spike I ever saw up there was a yearling.
  17. Unfortunately there is only one way to stop it- and you may lose some friends in the process. One of the guys I work with shot a 3pt over the weekend. I said something about being tagged out until ML season- "My wife has a buck tag" Yes, she does and she's the only one that can use it. If you're not satisfied with your 3pt, then you shouldn't have shot it. Otherwise, you're done until ML. This was the third time in 2 days I witnessed people either doing this or discussing their intentions of doing it. I love when guys even post 2 different bucks on the internet. Morons. Have some restraint.
  18. The folks that criticize the guys that go after big bucks I guess. I was basically trying to say- something for everyone but wanted to grab everyone's attention. centerpunch- why not go all out and do it with a bow in public land, but during gun season?
  19. I lived just down the road on Thurston ave when I was in school. I just never met the buck or hunter personally so its hard to pass judgement. I would surmise that he may not have been the wiliest buck in the burbs but he wasn't a fawn either. At least cayugadeer.org didn't capture him and bring him to Cornell to have him neutered like they do with the does, or maybe he knew that was coming and leapt in front of an arrow to die with masculine dignity?
  20. The only thing not free is the cost of the analysis. I forget what it costs- I haven't done it in a couple of years.
  21. Here's one for all of the anti-trophy hunters and QDMers alike that will challenge your hunting skills: Oldest Deer Contest! Prize- the satisfaction of knowing you took a woods-wise deer and bragging rights for a year. Categories: A) Oldest buck Oldest Doe C) Oldest deer overall Age shall be determined by cementum annulli analysis (deerage.com) What do you say?
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