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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by retrosub

  1. I shoot a homemade longbow, a vintage reflex bow, and a modern recurve. I shoot them all instinctive, and I can't say there's much difference to me in how I shoot them or what they feel like. I know there are people who prefer one or the other, but it's all the same to me. My compound is an entirely different thing, of course.
  2. I've hunted Cornell lands for two years, and this year all the programs are combined into one. I would highly recommend that over parks or other public land. This year I've been contacting local land owners for permission. The onX Maps mobile app has been the source of my letter-writing campaign.
  3. Regarding the new 150' setback distance, see the recent hunting rule changes here: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8312.html
  4. I've seen ear tags of various colors, but never seen a radio collar. I'm on the west side of Cayuga lake, maybe the collars are on the other side?
  5. I grew up in Ithaca, but my parents were quite liberal and so I never hunted. I was out west for many years and started hunting there, mostly upland and waterfowl, but some pig and deer as well. Last year I moved back to Ithaca and I'm really enjoying the hunting here. I guess I'm posting this in the bowhunting forum because that's mostly what I enjoy. I even tried getting some ducks and geese with the bow last year (lots of fun, but no success). I've always used traditional bows, but this year I got a compound to see what that's all about. So far... I'm very pleased and I wonder why I didn't switch sooner. I might use my homemade longbow a couple times this year, but only after having some success with the compound. I'm also looking forward to helping take care of the doe population in Tompkins County. I believe the DMFA will be in effect again. With the new 150' setback rules, it opens up some backyard opportunities that weren't there before.
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