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Everything posted by Gilliland440

  1. I wanted to share the second part of my Dad & I's hunt this fall. I hope everyone enjoys it! There will be a third part but I will try and get it finished quicker than this one. Cheers -JR
  2. As promised, here is the first part of my Dad & I's hunt this fall. Enjoy! -JR
  3. Here is a quick video of me putting my 13 pound raft to the test! More to come... Enjoy! -JR
  4. We were pike & burbot fishing. We caught a few pike, nothing huge on that trip. The ice was about 2' thick. -JR
  5. Here is some footage of my buddy heading home after ice fishing. Needless to say he beat us home! Enjoy! -JR
  6. Put a little money aside each month and plan like you are leaving tomorrow! Like I told someone in a PM, 90% of your success depends on where you hunt, so research & planning is everything. Spend the money to get off the road system and into some good habitat if it is a once in a lifetime hunt. -JR
  7. Just getting my hunt planning finished for this fall and wanted to give everyone some eye candy! 6 of us hunted Western Alaska and came out with 3 nice bulls, a black wolf and a monster of a griz. Hope after this you are as excited as I am about the rut being one month closer! Enjoy! -JR
  8. Four of us lifted my elk into the back of a ranger, it worked well. -JR
  9. I bet they did! That is nearly unheard in AK. You either need a really big track/wheel rig or one right on the river like this one and somewhere else you want it to be to go through that effort. But nothing would look cooler than to have one hanging whole in a tree, especially if you could hang a deer next to it ... haha -JR
  10. Hey guys I wanted to share my video I made from our time-lapse photos of butchering my brothers moose. We harvested this one right by the river which made life a lot easier for us! Enjoy -JR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skUbY-juYZg&list=PLvFe2vZ-xtpTOz73ZTNfW3O71dMPCG-tH&index=21
  11. Just wanted to break up the winter chill. Enjoy! -JR
  12. For TBT, I wanted to share my video of a day out commercial fishing in New Zealand. We were hand lining albacore tuna as fast as we could, meanwhile the mako sharks were cleaning our hooks. Enjoy -JR
  13. We covered a lot of country that year and I had a monster taxidermy bill ... haha -JR
  14. Yes, here is the link to my Youtube page. I will post another one up here in a few week. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI1JDt09wXDaQPoS3NcYo9Q
  15. In the spirit of Throw Back Thursdays I wanted to share my first hunting video from back in 2011. Needless to say my editing has improved but what great memories I have from these hunts. Enjoy! -JR
  16. Thats awesome guys! Thanks again. -JR
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