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  • Hunting Location
    Niagara county
  • Hunting Gun
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Nobody's heated here read my first post 2.6 acres! Thought maybe I would post camp here but I see that's a waste of time.
  2. No water and we used a portable toilet that is in the shed.
  3. No problem just had 8 txt mess. asking the same thing . Trying to edit post to add town .
  4. We have slept 4 adults hunting no problem . Camp is in cattarugus county probly 20 miles east of chautaqua lake.
  5. I've hunted Bucktooth for probly 15 years .Never timed the ride but i don't think its more than 15 mins. As far as lots of hunters if you see alot you're not going very far.
  6. 16 x 12 hunting camp has electric ,storage shed, fully furnished. Cabin sits on 2.6 acres and very private. Located within a short drive of state land. Asking $15000 or best offer. Email - [email protected] Phone-716-474-8954 call or text
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