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Posts posted by wink_man

  1. Lawdwaz, on 01 Jan 2015 - 2:02 PM, said:Lawdwaz, on 01 Jan 2015 - 2:02 PM, said:

    Always amazing at the people that really don't have a clue on a 243. 


    Undergunned?  You're crazy..........................


    Put the right bullet in the right place and the deer dies, with any CF round. 


    If you put a 140gr .284" bullet in the wrong place do you think that deer will die just because it's a larger diameter hunk of lead/copper than a .244"? Maybe they should shoot 150's or 160's that'll really knock 'em over.


    A young hunter or ANY hunter is going to enjoy range time practice much more with a light 6mm bullet as opposed to a light 7mm bullet, any day.


    Seat time is so important with a new shooter or an old one.

    Thats the answer right there, coupled with the fact, as you state he will enjoy, and will practice a lot more.


    If any CF round couldn't do it with the right bullet in the right place, I doubt DEC would have made it legal. LOTS of people today dropping deer with the .223 all across the country where legal. 


    An old deer poacher I once knew in the Catskills, who went to that happy hunting ground in the sky long ago, delighted in the fact that he could legally hunt squirrels with a 22 WMR and jacketed 40 grain hollow points and drop deer in their tracks with that bullet in the lungs. He was a funny guy, had a stroke and one side of his face hung down a bit from it. One time around 1972 I asked him when deer season was this year, he replied 'Ah haven't ya heard, no closed season, no bag limit'. 

  2. Pygmy, on 19 Dec 2014 - 9:08 PM, said:

    I have 2 Burris scopes, a 2x7 Fullfield II and a fixed 4X compact.


    No problems with either one..They seem like pretty good scopes to me, and I am a Leupold fan...


    I too am a Leupold fan(own several), and also have Denver Redfields, El Paso Weavers, and Bushnell Elite 3200's and Banners, and the more I play with the Burris Fullfields, the more I like them.

  3. Burris right now thru December 31st of this year has a pretty good rebate going on their Fullfiled II scopes, and several others:



    I bought a Fullfield II 3X9 Ballistic plex scope from this site, Total was $163.56 with shipping & handling:



    Then with this rebate form from Burris:



    I will get the scope for $113.56 after the rebate. Not a bad deal, and Burris has a 'forever' lifetime warranty.


    This is my 4th Fullfield II, 3 with the Ballistic Plex recticle, I like the scopes a lot.


    I would have bought half a dozen of them, but it limits you to 1 rebate per household.


    Just throwing it out there if anyone is in need of a good scope.

  4. Thanks for the welcome everyone. Been looking through the site, things have changed since I hunted the area desribed above, looks like a 3 pt rule for starters, but I'm not sure of the unit, as I never applied for a doe permit up there.


    I like the interactive map, but it doesn't show enough on the screen of a particular area, glad I still have my topo maps of the area.


    Called DEC today trying to get a map of the DMU's. I was transferred 3 times and then told 'I know the person you need, I'll have them call you', so we'll see, LOL.


    Anyways, I have plenty of homework to do and prescouting, and I think, just need a map describing the DMU's and start making a few scouting trips up there.


  5. I just found this site and thought I would join to see what goes on. I'm from the Socialist Republic of New Jersey, and used to hunt NYS years ago, and thinking about starting again next year.


    I used to hunt Ulster County, the Balsam Swamp up off Yeagerville Rd. by Roundout Resevoir, and Mombaccus Mountain in Kerhonksen.  


    I plan on taking a ride up there soon to just check things out a little, and see if I can pick up any additional idea/areas by reading here.

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