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    British Columbia Canada
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  1. No surprise here ........ the ignorance and arrogance of some is sickening ...... glad most New Yorkers aren't like -ss clown above. BCh
  2. Well the BC Government made some minor changes to our Provincial Wildlife Allocations. Totally out of wack compared to the rest of North America, as said, some Like G Bear, Mnt. Sheep is 40 % for Non residents, 35 for Goat, 15 to 25 for Moose and Elk ........ all deer and B Bear are General Open Season. So Heres a heads up, your dream Hunt or Vacation, may not be or come to be if you come to BC ........ you can expect resident hunters in more hard to get at places in the province then ever before. The Governments deals with the selected few has basically caused a rebellion like never before. Resident hunters and non hunters alike are protesting like never seen before, so ya might want to consider going else where for your dream hunt, it might not be what it's all said to be with the Guide Outfitter you hire. BRH
  3. Hello fellow hunters. If you are thinking about a guided hunt in BC Canada ....... Can I share some thing with you. Recently our local Government has decided to give Guide Outfitters huge increases to the allocation of wildlife for NonResident hunters. North America wide, the average is 5-10% for non residents. In BC, we have a huge demand for wildlife and hunting with our BC residents. We have well over 100,000 hunters that apply every year for what are called Limited Entry Hunts. Many , thousands and thousands of hunters apply for Grizz,Sheep, Elk and Moose, some NEVER TO BE DRAWN IN THEIR LIFETIME. Yet, the Government, has given up to 40% to you the non resident if you have the thousands and thousands of dollars to pay for it. Most residents of BC can't afford these hunts, but get a chance if they win a LEH draw. You as a non resident coming to BC take that right away. We the Residents of BC ....... Ask you ...... How would you like your own resources, your own and possibly your only chance at some of these species taken away. At this time until hopefully government sits down with all parties involved to make the situation for resident hunters of BC better. We as residents believe there is a place for the Guide Industry in BC that is in line with North American standards. Please consider taking your business to Alberta, Yukon, or Alaska at this time. It has got so bad that even some lawyers are getting involved, so as a disclaimer, I state that these are my own opinion only, and numbers on actual facts can be found with your own effort. There is some information at BCWF.net please educate yourself on this issue before you book your hunt. BC is a beautiful place to hunt and holiday, you will be welcomed by residents of BC, but the guide you hire, may not be so happy to see more and more resident hunters accessing the grounds they take you to hunt. This us the largest issue to ever hit the BC hunting community, and relations with guide outfitters and residents had never hit this scale before. Straight shooting to you. BC resident hunters stand unified
  4. Just wanted to say Hello and hopefully welcome myself to your website. I am a resident of Brithish Columbia Canada,on the West Coast, between Washington, Idaho area to north Alaska, were the Canada chunk in between. haha for you that are not sure where BC is. I and my family are all hunters, our parents were hunters. My wife and I have 2 adult children, they to both hunters .... our whole family is hunters. I am a Union worker belonging to Local 1271 IAFF of over 31 years. Hello Brothers and Sisters ! Love my job. Love my Family and Love the Great Outdoors ! Love hunting and fishing, hiking, boating rafting ......... photography , any thing to do with natures spectacles ...... but My true love of the outdoors is HUNTING. If you are interested in hunting for Big Game in British Columbia ....... 4 Varieties of Mountain, Sheep ...... Moose, Elk, Mountain Goat, Grizz and Black Bear, Mule and White Tailed Deer, Black Tail Deer ........... and various other game from Wolf to Fowl, Canada Geese, Pheasant, Duck, There is some very unsettling news out of BC. Please keep a Look out for IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT BRITISH COLUMBIA ........ and what has happened to us RESIDENT hunters and a New Policy regarding Non residents and Wildlife Allocation from our Government of British Columbia. Our Resident Hunters have never been so outraged in the 50 plus years of my hunting life. Many, BC hunters are Members of the British Columbia Wildlife Federation, over 46,000 members strong and growing rapidly as of this NEW WILDLIFE ALLOCATION POLICY (see ....... BCWF.net .......for information) are completely SLACK JAWED and Blind-sided by some decisions. We have HUGE CONCERNS AS LIFE LONG RESIDENTS of BC that our Wildlife and our resident opportunities are in trouble due to some poor decisions. If you are looking to BOOK A GUIDED HUNTING TRIP TO BC ....... please await my thread in the next day or two to hear our plight. Thank you for your time. SRBE
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