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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by iDABhunt

  1. Well the season is in full swing and hopefully this cold snap will move some birds into the capital region, hows your waterfowl season been so far?
  2. How do you feel about teaching a child to hunt? NY allows special seasons for teaching our kids, do you take advantage for the promotion of our heritage, our love of the field and the hunt?
  3. My son and I enjoyed the youth waterfowl weekend that recently passed. My son Matthew(13) was very successful both days. Saturday he was able to harvest 2 Canada geese, 1 black duck and 1 hen mallard, then on sunday he took 3 woodies. These days create memories that will last a lifetime, I am so proud to have shared these times with my son. How did your Youth Waterfowl Weekend go?
  4. I and 2 others were harrassed many years ago while waterfowling on the Hudson. We actually had a person shoot off bottle rockets (fireworks) at us and towards any approaching birds. We left that day and had not given it much thought other than to be upset for what had happened. Two weeks later a similar situation occurred but without fireworks, the local police were called as was the local ENCON Officer. The police arrived much sooner than the ECO and were making us cease any hunting until the ECO arrived. After about 25 minutes the ECO arrived an looked over the area we were hunting and informed the Police Officers that we were well within legal regulations and also advised them of the Hunter Harrasment laws that are enforced in NYS. The unfortunate part of this story is, although we were in no violation it occurred to us that more than likely we would continue to have an issue in that particular spot and decided to go elsewhere so that we did not create an even bigger issue than what had already been done. We felt it was a better idea to take one on the chin for hunting than to possibly create a larger problem for everyone involved (no fuel for the anti- fire). In retrospect it worked out to our advantage, we found an even better spot. Good Luck and good hunting to all.
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