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Posts posted by Big_Bean_Dog

  1. In my Mind it is completely irresponsible to shoot without being 100% sure of one's target. There are too many donkey orifices out there who don't wait until they are sure. I know because years ago, I was almost on the wrong end of a hunters shot.

    I feel for the family and friends who now live with consequences of this incident.

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  2. Savage 99 chambered in 300Sav. Haven't used this one in a long time. Checked the zero recently and it is right where I left it 10 years ago. Will be hunting some woods and field that I first used this rifle on when I started hunting. This will be a trip on memory lane tomorrow.

    Good luck all

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  3. I think the thing that bothered me the most about the election coverage was they kept referring to the "Uneducated white vote" I'm sorry but I have a master's degree and voted for Trump I am not uneducated nor are many of the blue collar workers that elected Trump. The media wonders why Clinton lost.

    I concur. They are in denial and this is how they misplace their own ignorance.

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  4. I will never look at a poll again. Thankfully their lopsidedness didn't cause people to stay home thinking there was no chance for Trump

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    Talked about this point the other day with a number of people. The biggest clue for us was the disconnect between the stated polls and the signage on roadsides, bumper stickers, etc. Trump signs were everywhere yet all other candidates could be counted on one hand.

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  5. Yep.
    I personally believe presidential pardons are terrible ideas.

    Almost certainly, presidential pardons were intended to be mechanism to allow wrongly convicted, or perhaps more accurately, legally convicted BUT morally innocent persons to be excused. It certainly was not intended to be the blanket jailbreak it has become.


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  6. 6540c5311e4246cee75f014de3de2cbe.jpg

    The Bean dog! When we brought her home from the shelter as a house dog, she wouldn't respond at all to the name assigned to her, " Chestnut". I started to call her by every dog name I could think of. Nothing worked. The dog we had gone to see but was gone before we got there was "Beans". The moment I said that name, Bean came running; tail high, ears up and ready. She's been Bean ever since. The phrase " Bean doggin'" refers to anything we do together, walks, car ride, bird hunting and more. And she's the Big Bean Dog going on 9 years now.

    Bean Dog.... err..... Pete

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  7. Got one as a gift last year and it does seem to work. Got a grey fox to trot right past me and didn't even flinch a couple weeks back. Also, in the blind last fall, turkeys, squirrels and song birds come a lot closer and linger for longer times and don't seem to care about me.


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  8. Does that mean a hunter could use less caution if the pedestrian is off the trail?


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  9. Going in, I always under- dress and pack the warmer clothes as has been mentioned already. I also leave enough time to walk in casually so as to not break a sweat. If I do feel that I'm starting to sweat, I slow down or even stop and take a break. All to arrive at the stand dry.


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  10. One October Sunday morning, 35+ years ago, I was walking home along the road at about 8am; a pair of rabbits in one hand and my unloaded 870 in the other. The local officer pulled up next to me an asked, "what did you get?" Without breaking stride, I showed him the rabbits and that the gun was unloaded; the action was open. Told him what field I took them from too. His reply was congratulatory and he lamented he might have to make time to hunt for him self. That happened in lower Rockland Co.

    Imagine that encounter today and how it would differ.


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  11. For general cleaning and copper fouling try Boretech Eliminator. It will do a great job on powder and metal fouling. It doesn't stink up the house like #9. It doesn't contain ammonia like Sweet's and some others so it can be left in the bore without causing problems.

    If Eliminator has a fault, it cleans too well. I find that I need to put two or three rounds through the barrel after cleaning. My Hart barrelled 260 will then shoot a long time before the gilt edge accuracy starts to go away.


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  12. Saw something just now about people questioning why he was shot if he was unarmed. Cuomo is defending the cop. I have to wonder if he would be if the convict wasn't a white guy.

    I believe that since he is a convicted felon, for capital murder, whose accomplice was armed, attempting escape, the justification of deadly force by LE is detailed in nys penal code. article 35 I believe. Sure some disease lawyer might try to argue it but the media might be the only one giving any attention.
  13. there's always a couple really good ones, they usually happen right after someone says "hold my beer" and/or "watch this".........

    My favorite, " Look ma; no hands!". Followed shortly after by a dull thud and a blood curdling scream.

    No but Kicking Wing does....

  14. There is no reason for a woodchuck to taste bad. They are vegetarians with the same diet as rabbits ..... BUT ..... I just can't do it. I have even gone as far as dressing one out in preparation for eating, and still couldn't do it. It's just another one of those unexplainable biases. Of course those remembered images of some of those nasty disgusting, runny, maggoty, stinking, oozing, woodchucks that our dog used to drag home and roll in may have something to do with that particular bias. Can't get that picture out of my mind.

    Properly dressed in the field and handled thereafter, they are good table fare. I haven't taken any in a couple years but a while back, I used woodchuck to make "veal" marsala. Nobody could tell any difference. My wife still thinks I made the story up.


  15. Another thought or two on SAFE:

    the Governor's penchant for behaving like a three year old throwing a tantrum is well documented. He is also on record as a proponent of keeping weapons out of the hands of those with disqualifies such as mental issues and criminal activity.

    A) Given his demonstrated mental instability, I don't believe, and apparently many gun owners agree, letting the governor know where guns are, would by his own definition, be an unsafe act.

    B) Let's hope LE makes a public spectacle of the removal of the governor's shotgun when the Feds finally catch up to him. I'm speaking of the shotgun he claimed to own the night SAFE was rammed up our donkeys.

    All highly improbable, but it would be welcome irony.

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