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    Rockwall, TX

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  • Hunting Gun
    Weatherby .300

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Westchester native transplanted to the Dallas area. Mostly hunting pigs at a friends exotic game ranch in Junction, TX. My dad was a big game hunter before I cold shoot, inducted into the International Explorers Club after being the first westerner permitted to hunt in Siberia towards the end of the cold war. And with that in mind my primary purpose for this post, hoping someone here might give some direction; at nearly 90 now my father is moving out of his long time residence and has given me the honor of keeping his trophy mounts. There are about 10 heads that need to get crated and shipped from Mamaroneck to Dallas, some quite large (cape buffalo, ibex, yzubra, wildabeest, etc). I will be up there next week for a couple days, but likely we'll need to pay someone to pack and ship. Any experience or knowledge of someone that might do this in the Mamaroneck/White Plains/Scarsdale area? Thanks, Tim Wolf
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