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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by coyoteman

  1. I got bit on Sunday that is the first one I have ever had on me. I have been hunting for 32 years this one got on me riding my 4 wheeler. Dr. gave me Doxycycline for 15 days. He told me he had a 42 yr old woman die from Lyme disease in 2006. Be careful and see your Dr. if bitten.

  2. How about this for thought? Have 2 weeks of bow then 1 week of mzloader and then 2 weeks of gun. This would sell alot more tags for mzloader. I feel the way the season is now it is way to long and unbalanced. If this was a normal winter late season would add alot of pressure on an already stressed herd. This is just an opinion and you know what they say about opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Check out Bearpaw outfitters in New Brunswick. I went there with 4 people we all got bears. There was 4 others in camp who also got bears. I saw 4 before I decided to shoot mine. One guy saw 7 in one night. The food is great he brought lobster in on Wed. for everyone. I believe the hunt was 1200 back in 2004. You can't beat his knowledge of the area and the effort he puts into getting everyone a Bear.

  4. I have the same one CAM-O has they work great. Took my daughter 2 yrs ago and after setting it up had a buck by us within 10 minutes. The main thing is clean the area of leaves where you are going to set up. Keeps the noise down when the kids want to move around.

  5. I pay fire insurance hoping and also not expecting to use it, but I still pay it. There was a couple who's house burnt near mine, they had a benefit because they didn't have fire ins. They had no problem sitting at the local pub drinking and playing darts every week. I did not give one dime to them either. If you want fire protection pay for it. I don't like my fire tax but I will pay it so I don't go through this.

  6. I'm not sure I understand. Why would someone apply for a DMP (which costs $10... not much to some, but right now could be a few meals for some folks) if they didn't want to use it?

    Until a few years ago they didn't charge extra for permit with sportsman license. The people that apply think the DEC is right about the need to kill so many Doe. I hope this clears it up.

    Doc, you are right some places do need more Doe killed and I also believe the DMP areas are to large to be managed right.

  7. I believe one of the problems is people get a permit and think they have to use it. How many times have you heard I've only seen one doe, then that is followed by I shot it. If people have that mentality the deer don't have a fighting chance. The DEC should lay off the permits for a while. I was wondering if the claims that Coyotes and other factors claim 60% of Fawns and we kill 10% of Does, how can they repopulate?

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  8. Whoa, hold the boat. Elk are actually native to NY state, but were eliminated by people. They are not 'exotic' here any more than a turkey (which by the way only thrives in the numbers we enjoy today because of trap and release programs).


    There is a growing herd of Elk in PA, not far at all from where I live, that may eventually even filter north into NY naturally.


    Mind, Roosevelt Elk are a different subspecies, but comparing escaped Elk in NY to feral pigs /escaped Russian game ranch boars is apples and oranges.

    Re: The original post/article, that's just sad. I've seen Elk in person, and at great distances through the woods. They don't look like deer even at a distance. It's very frustrating that those 'deer hunters' didn't identify their targets.

    Dinosaurs were also but I don't think they are regulated anymore.
  9. There is actually an article on here back in Dec. of 2010 where a guy shot a Fallow Deer and he was not charged with any offense. I couldn't post the link. Do a search for Fallow Deer and it will show up.

    I agree 100% they should be punished for not identifying their game. Who in their right mind could mistake ELK for DEER?

  10. Protected And

    Unprotected Wildlife

    In New York State, nearly all species of wildlife

    are protected. Most species, including endangered

    species, songbirds, hawks and owls are

    fully protected and may not be taken. The few

    unprotected species include porcupine, red

    squirrel, woodchuck, English sparrow, starling,

    rock pigeon and monk parakeet. Unprotected

    species may be taken at any time without limit.

    However, a hunting license is required to hunt

    unprotected wildlife with a bow or firearm.

    Game species may be taken only during

    their open seasons and as summarized in this


    If we don't view them as wildlife becasue they came from a farm....try shooting Farmer John's Black angus steer that gets out and see if tickets get issued. I bet they get cited

    Cows are considered domestic livestock. This happened to the Coldbrook Game Farm a couple of years back. The neighbor shot an escaped Elk and correct me if wrong but I don't believe he was charged. Would the owner be liable for any damages caused by the animals? If you are correct how could you shoot any escaped pigs years ago?

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