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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bigbuck62191

  1. Ya state release. Tryin to save some money on buyin chicken lol Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  2. 2. 4 legged is in training lol Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  3. Im on the border of vermont and canada lol Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  4. Eh few of them never hurt lol Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  5. Flyers" Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  6. Seen one hen. We try to just shoot flyere Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  7. No treestand for birds buddy Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  8. Did a good job today with weather not being in our favor. All in all awesome day in the feild with two great buddys! Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  9. Your regular tag is only good for shooting a buck durong rifle season. Your bow/muzzle tag is good for either as long as your area allows does to be taken or antler restrictions. When i bow hunt i prefer to be in a stand it helps with scent and it allows you to be above eye level of the game you are after. Wind plays a big role in hunting so i actually bring unscented baby powder and check the wind. Other than your basic survival gear and a map or gps you should be good to go. Good luck buddy hope you get to fill your tags this year Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  10. Have heard of monsters coming out of the adks but have only seen two in my whole life that were bigger than 8pts. My guess out west but not rly sure Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
  11. Been pheasant hunting northern ny the past few days. Figured id throw a few pics up of the birds so far. Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
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