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Posts posted by spark213

  1. Hey all just a topic for fun. In a few years I will have saved up enough to purchase some hunting land. This has been my dream for a while. Just want to get everyones opinions on the best place to purchase land (county or counties). Eventually want to build a hunting cabin and retire up there.


    Here are my wishes for the land


    Good acreage 200-300 acres

    Good deer and bear hunting, Enough deer for meat hunting and some trophy bucks.

    Not too many trespassers

    Access to good lakes and streams for fishing during summer and spring ( 30 min drive)

    Good Turkey would be a plus


    Ideally I would love land that is near a state park so I have access the park as well, but I figure I will have more trespassers if thats the case.


    Any suggestions guys? I am thinking some of the southern bordering counties bordering Adirondack state park or south of the finger lakes.


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