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    Mossberg 500
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Hey guys so Im a new hunter but a little perplexed about where to go to start hunting. I unfortunately don't know anyone with land that I could use so I guess I would be hunting on State Land. I live in Niagara county and I believe the only public place to hunt would be Hartland swamps??????(if anyone knows anywhere else im willing to drive a bit) Anyways how does this process work? do i just go get a hunting license and then go out whenever I feel like? any tips for hunting on state land? is it even possible to bag anything or is it so overrun with hunters? Ive never been hunting and don't really have a mentor to show me the ropes. I have read and watched videos on all aspects of hunting so i feel like I could hunt just fine if i can work out this where to go issue. Edit: I have been shooting firearms recreationally for years so handling a firearm is not an issue.
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