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  1. Oh wow that is close! thank you very much I will check there first thing tomorrow
  2. Well how about Manhattan? I live on 24th street on the east side. Is there anywhere to get a tag other than bronx or queens?
  3. Yeah anyone who does not support deer hunting in NY state must be ill-informed-these things are overpopulated! in my area they contribute to a plethora of overbrowsing and car accidents. Anyone interested in ethically eating meat should recognize deer hunting as a beneficial, humane, zero-carbon footprint, completely organic method of being a carnivore. Most of my vegetarian friends support hunting overpopulated animals for meat as well, because they are also biology majors as well. As for the fact that animals feel pain, so do plants--it is proven. So does bacteria I guess, the question is just where do you draw the line. Every living organism feels pain
  4. important question for everyone: I am geared up and ready for opening day this weekend, however I will not be able to go to my house upstate until the very night before I hunt. Where can I acquire a deer tag in New York City? is it possible to get a tag or do I have to get it when I go upstate to my home county? please please let me know--I don't wanna miss opening morning because I have to wait to get a tag
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