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alaska pang

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Posts posted by alaska pang

  1. There may have been a lot of reasons why fracking was banned, but polluted water was the issue used to gain support among the voters.  If it was a false fear, how many of the other "potential" problems are really true?  I suspect time will tell.


    (P.S. what kind of person pushes to have a thread shut down?)


    Morning from Alaska Pang,  Just some input to the whole fracking thing=  Been there seen it in Gillette Wyomimg. Polluted 50,000 of cattle range, all the lakes on the property to include all springs and 1 2 acre lake in the ranches front yard. This ranch was the calveries support stop on a freight line. Horses, switch, supply unload, ect. The barn is still there with the harnesses and stalls as they were in the 17/1800,s.  The ranch house sits 1/4 mile off the road.  There is a filtration system at the road to/ yeah right LOLO filter 50,000 acres of polluted aqua flo. This system as diesel engines on it the size of a locca motive. When they come on they awake you at night.  The aqua flow is dead.  The only good thing that came out of this is= the gas/oil co.had to drill deep wells to below polluted water to water his cattle spread over the 50,000 acres. Then run electric to the wells to pump. So now he has a timer on them to fill the water tanks so does not have to truck water. Seeing is believing. NO FRACKING  Water is a commodity as oil and gas. Do you want to frieghter in water from China??

  2. I was hoping to finally meet a few of you fine forum members, but I'm not going until Saturday.

    Oh well.... your loss. :sarcastichand:


    I,ll be there Sat. Where ya going to be?  Picked up a Saskatchwan colored phase black bear hunt for a song.  Great hunt, lots of bears. Had to beat em out of the stand NO SH-T  They have never seen humans so far up. Fishing= fantastic also and you can drive to it. 2400 miles

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  3. Be there Friday to meet up with outfitter who'll be in Buffalo for first time. He is very disappointed in the lack of snow as where he's from(South Africa/East Cape) they rarely see it and he and his wife were looking forward to it. Need to tidy up a few hunt details with him and paperwork.


    Never been to this show myself.....


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