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Everything posted by wmig2

  1. LOL Right lets see this hit 750,000 min. I hope then the libtards might get the hint.
  2. Awesome I hope this makes a point. I can see this getting really high numbers.
  3. Doe right I hate all politicans a good one is a dead one. They are all fake pieces of sh** for the most part. LOL
  4. The ignorant sheep voted the idiot obama back in. How's this working for you? LOL
  5. Good job way to stick it out.
  6. Predate pretty much covered it. PLAY THE WIND. A coyote can smell twice a whitetail deer.
  7. This criminal should of been put to death to spare the tax payers the burden. I think it cost about $90,000 year to maintain a prisioner. A quick and swift process would spare the tax payers of wasted funds and deter pieces of sh** like this from interacting with society ever again.
  8. LOL predate ok I usually call private land but have seen a lot of sign on state land too.
  9. I'm going to try and call some state land this year. Chenango and Broome Counties.
  10. I have done some sets without much luck other than a hawk. I callled one in on a woods call that I didn't see it came to my tracks and walked down them and dropped the hind quarters of a fawn. I used a few curse words to say the least. LOL
  11. LOL Elmer but you hit it right on the head.
  12. Cumo is an idiot like his father. He needs to go jump off a bridge. Tell him to come get my guns bring plastic.
  13. Great point DTG3K. These jack holes are ignorant for creating such a site. Like a 82 yr old retired army ranger I just did some work for has some great signs on his doors. " There's nothing in here worth dying for". I love it.
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