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Posts posted by Rabbithunter1

  1. So I did something I almost never do today and I brought a guy from work with me to one of the farms I have permission to hunt, I explained to him over and over that we don't shoot small bucks and not to shoot anything unless it's an 8 or has a 15" spread. Well a couple minutes ago I hear a shot and I get a text "I shot but it was along ways away, it was a buck but I don't know how big" this is exactly why I don't do this, maybe in another 5 or 10 years I'll give it another try

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    Damn, now I wanna know what the buck looks like that he shot lol

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  2. I thought the same thing about how crazy bright the moon is. Its cloudy too, but that moon still lights everything up! When I got to camp, I was wondering if I had my times screwed up! I wanted to get to my stand an hour before daylight this morning.

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    It's crazy a cloud just covered the moon and the woods just got pitch black. Before with the moon out I could see a good 50 yards in front of me

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  3. So me and the old man were hanging stands about a half hour ago and we were taking a break and sitting in the log bullshiting and all of the sudden I look to my left and a monster buck starts walking towards us.. lol "I tell
    My old man look a deer !" Because he had his bow with him. He goes to dock an arrow and lift the bow up and the thing takes off running. So we put the other stand away that we were supposed to hang.. grabbing a quick lunch and heading back out for the rest of the day. Guess the bucks are cruising now

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  4. I just bought the magnum dripperee3f78591e2e72f34bbfc09a18adc603.jpg and I was wondering instead on the scrape scent I want too put in doe in estrous scent and set it up. Will that work or do you think I'm better off putting the stuff that comes with it in it. I figured I would be better off with doe in estrous because rut is a couple days away. Let me know what you guys think and what you guys do..

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  5. 3 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Did you look the following morning ? What color was blood ? Find arrow? How long was blood trail before losing it ? Etc

    Yeah I spent all morning out there looking.. couldn't find a blood trail or arrow at all.. so I searched where I saw him run into and couldn't find anything either.. I'm thinking it was a shoulder shot and the arrow didn't pass threw.. I just hope it didn't mess him up to bad and he survives.. I hate wasting deer like that.. I was sick over it 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

    Why the hell would you shoot one? You aren't going to eat it and the pelt would be ruined.

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    1. They kill rabbits & game birds that I hunt.. 2. They would be a awsome mount!

  7. 3 hours ago, growalot said:

    Sorry to hear that...,No deer search in the area?.....It's one of those things that creeps into your mind every so often ...trying to figure out what went wrong...most have been there..

    I tried contacting deer search the closest one is an hour away unfortunately 

  8. Been out all morning searching for him.. got in the tree stand played back the whole scenario and got down started searching where I hit him for blood, hair, turned up leaves or arrow.. searched where he ran into and looked for the arrow and blood.. nothing. So I just started searching everywhere high grass, cattails, thickest brush & all in between.. couldn't find anything.. I've been hunting since I was 12 and this is my first deer I've ever lost.. it's a bad feeling.. I hate wasting an animal like that. I hope it was just a bad shot and he survives it and hopefully I get another chance at him..

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