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    Catt county
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  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. LowClimber


    9m just had big 9 run right under me nose down hoping he catches wind of my code blue again and makes another pass a little slower this time.
  2. LowClimber


    I watched another buck chase a doe again tonight from the stand. turning on in 9m for sure
  3. LowClimber


    Watched 2 big boys chase a doe all over a field last night spotting
  4. LowClimber


    I'm thinking it's just kicking off and peak is still a week or so away give or take. some places seeing a little action while their other spots a few miles away they aren't seeing anything yet. my reports from are coming from 9r,k and m
  5. LowClimber


    Lol I was thinking the same thing. I've been hearing of buddies seeing small bucks bumping does
  6. LowClimber


    Alright official word from my buddies girl after checking does at the local farm; Couple does just starting their estrous cycle they predict by november 1st most of the others should be as well
  7. LowClimber


    Just found out from a buddy that his lady friend is going to the local deer farm to help check does this weekend to see how close they're getting. I'll give an update on that soon as I hear something
  8. LowClimber


    Ah alright a buddy and I are checking out the state on West hill this year
  9. LowClimber


    Lol where about in 9m you hunting? Yeah that's what I'm figuring to. I've got a buddy insisting is coming alot sooner so I figured I'd make a thread and get updates from people all over ny when they start seeing action.
  10. LowClimber


    Just average hunter late 20s looking to help out some fellow hunters and get an idea of what action everyone's seeing. I hunt 9m/r no real action here yet just some scrapes and rubs. Still seeing bachelor groups and the big fellas only moving at night
  11. LowClimber


    Hello everyone. I'm new on here and don't know if there is already a thread for this but I thought I'd make one so everyone can share what action they're seeing in their neck of the woods.
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