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arrow nocker

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by arrow nocker

  1. what rreally struck me as funny is he tried to get the cigarrets back.LOL. Damn buck!give me those!!!they cost me 10 damn dollars!!!!
  2. get some road kill and set it up near your stands.It won't affect the deer hunting and you might be able to help with the population control.Coyotes don't care about food supply.they will decimate everything they can devour and just move on to the next area.I know there are alot of guys that would love to get permission to trap them for ya.Its like 50 a pelt for a trapped pelt i think. I bet if you put it out there to some trappers they would have them under control by next season.
  3. freaking hillarious. Give me a marlboro now you red neck or i will horn ya!!!! Maybe they should check the pack of smokes to make sure there isn't something more addicting in there that the buck was jonesing.
  4. cause 22's carry too far.We have areas to hunt small game that i don't want to be shooting a 22 into trees and have to worry about where the bullets going to land. I have a 22 already any how. I just want something to plink cans but can also put a rabbit on the ground.
  5. I know nothing at all about air rifles.But i want to get my boy one for small game hunting next yr.then i can get him more interested in pre season scouting. I was checking the ones at walmart and they had the gamo one for 150$ i think.It shoots 1200fps so it says.One shot 1000fps and could shoot the 22 cal pellets. What is the perefered setup?900 fps?or 1200fps? Is the 22 cal pellet guns legal in NY? I wan't it to be an affordable set up.don't want to spend more than i would on a real gun but want the safeness over a rimfire 22 cal rifle.I know pellet guns are dangerous.I just like the distance factor.He can shoot a red squrille in a tree and not be worried about the bullet going too far like a 22 cal rife can carry.
  6. he knows you are there.Thats why he left his climber.To claim that spot.If you saw his climber you would have gone on to a diferent spot right?Yes.most likely.So he might do like me.Try to plan the hunt the next day in adv down to a few days in adv with wind and morning stand preference.Just a hunch. So you need to do the same.Get some lock on stands.With climbing sticks.Not to start a war but if you pay to hunt it then hunt it. I had permision to hunt some land with one other guy.80 acr.I geve him most of it cause i didn't want to be rude since he had been there many yrs before me.He shot huge bucks so there every yr.I didn't hunt the area that they were cause he had stands there.But now i know different.I will hunt it.If i pay to hunt it i will hunt it.the last yr i hunted it and i never even saw the guy but once.On the way out. Dude.just hunt it.You both pay.
  7. If it was a 100$ dollar bow like mine you could juggle it and it wouldn't hit the ground.LOL.As soon as i buy a nice top line new bow i know i will have to death grip it when moving it. Its kinda like when you buy a new truck.A deer will def run out in front of ya.Drive a beater and you only hit pot holes.LOL.
  8. Nuts.Every deer i ever shot has been less than 30 yards.LOL.
  9. I will be there one day.I am sure of it.It is much respect just for the great wide world that we are given.I am sure i will be there one day my self. Can't wait to see the giants you are going to meet now with only a camera.The big ones for real.And you know what.It will be the same rush to let them walk after shooting with with the camera.
  10. I can usually hit all the new good threads within a reasonable amount of time,but not during gun season.LOL.Place is busy this time of yr.Get of work and don't have time to catch up on all the posts before i have to hand over the computer and go to bed. A lot of cool stuff on here all the time.Really cool site. gotta go.Time to hand over the computer.LOL.
  11. Ok.What do i do if i forgot my pen in my truck? Do I ................put the tag on it.go to truck and get pen and then come back to fill it out and drag it? Or do i.............Go back to truck with out tagging it and get my pen then go back to buck and fill it out then gut it and drag it. I am not perfect.I forget my head sometimes.
  12. I just tie a square not with my para cord.never had a problem or even worried about it.never have the paracord tangle up much.It works great.Have one in my pocket for my coat and bag and one on my climber for my bow/gun.All those other nylon cords are for the birds. Glad the bow is fine tho buddy.That could be a bad situation.Lucky it landed on your arrows,and not one of your cams.
  13. i gun hunt just to scout my bow season spots and maybe take a deer at a distance in the process.
  14. Wow. What a doushbag.Make sure to file charges against him.No reason to be screaming at any one in the woods.Especially a woman.What a freaking coward.
  15. oh ok.gotcha. Ya those noses are strong.I can't even think how many deer whiffed me without me even knowing.
  16. takes time unless you just get lucky.Takes time to fugure it out and do your homework.Dont gt discuraged.I took 5 yrs to kill a spike.My son killed an nice 8 pt his first 3 hrs in the woods.I still havn't out done him 3 yrs later. Welcome to the forum.
  17. I believe they can scent you up to 100 yards on a slight wind of 6mph even with all the sent killer.Just my theory tho.
  18. one more year it would have been something. Hell of a buck.One of a lifetime.
  19. it was 5 yrs before i got one.LOL. I used it to encurage my self.I had to ask what i was doing wrong.Well for one.The deer pattern you.And they like to move in thick stuff.Some trails you find won't get night movement only while some may be from the bedding area or to the bedding area.Some areas they are very hard to pattern right down to basicly no pattern.They like to bed on the hills on windy sunny days and in really thick cover on days with calm wind.This isn't 100% every day.Just something i think about while picking a spot to set up. When thinking of hunting wind think of more than just in front of ya.Think of the whole way the wind is blowing to.Is it going to be blowing somewhere the deer may e going that day?Dont sit with the wind blowing to any thing thick that may be a corridor if its during the day.The deer love thick cover all the time.Especially if it has plenty of browse.Sometimes the best sets are where you only have a 30 yard shot.it get tough waiting when you can only see 40 yards but thats where they are. Sit still and don't move.Trying to play the wind in thick crap is tough.All tho i have had deer come from a direction i never thought they would come from. I put soooo much thought behind each hunt and there is guys that just walk in there and kill one and i don't see nothing.I still put as much thought into it as a i can tho.I stay awake at night going over and over in my head which stand location i want then i set up there and see nothing.It get fustrating.But sooner or later it will pay off and i will get a nice buck.It takes persistance and patience.
  20. the day you dont get the fever you should quit hunting.You learn to contain your self after a few times of it.Breath deep and focus on your target spot only.Not the whole deer. It helps to run a little then do some push ups just before target shooting.Get the heart pumping real good to simulate your adrenalin rush.
  21. dude.Does that thing have mange?LOL. Does look like a chupacabra.
  22. where can i find this.I never head this.I was going to buy my 12 yr old his own climber for next yr when he will be 13.That is plain nuts they can't hunt from a stand.A ladder stand is safe enough for a kid isn't it.
  23. I can't begin to tell you how many deer i spooked from just a little unnatural sounding click or squeak.Far away too.LOL
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