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arrow nocker

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Everything posted by arrow nocker

  1. look out the canes are a flying! two old guys that still think they are 17.Nothing wrong with that.
  2. Should make a scrape dirt trading thread.LOL. I know some scrape spots in happy valley.But i don't have the time to go there. I got some Hot Scrape today and made one in a different area.Didn't have time to hike all the way back to my run i want to scrape up.I know my neighbor tract hunter said he ain't seen any opened yet either.
  3. I think i see more deer when i just shut up,sit quiet and hunt.LOL. I try all kinds of stuff and think i ruin it. Mostly though I will do a locate grunt.Then wait about 20 mins then i will do an agressive grunt with a snort wheeze.About 2 mins later i will rattle.Then i wait about 5 mins and then estrus bleat.then i just sit silent for about an hr I think i ain't doing nothing till about next weekend.I don't want to get the local bucks used to the sounds and then they will know i am there.
  4. thats is exactly the way i was intending.Haha.except i havn't had time to find another scrap area.I havn't even found a scrape on the parcel i just got permission to hunt.but i found some rubs and a line of rubs that goes back a few years.right between bedding in a corridor with tons of oaks along it.I am going to mock scrape it up along that trail and make my own action.Just got to get some scrape dirt.LOL.Might apt for some stuff from the store far a starter.
  5. is it too late to make a mock scrape?
  6. i went behind the house and sat in the rain for 3.5 hrs. in hopes of getting a doe.Not a deer in sight.But it was nice even though it was raining.I knew the answer before i asked it i guess.LOL.going to the other land for an evening hunt now.
  7. did the whole .55 mile hike to my spot before i realized i forgot my quiver at home on my work bench.It took me like 35 mins to do the walk in.I feel like such a dummy.Spooked every deer within two miles leaving the wooods. Thinking of just finishing my wood stacking an going in around noon.What do you think? go back in till about noon or go in at noon?
  8. is this your land or a lease? Nice footage. Sounds like you were even kinda noisy and they didn't spook.I had them spook before when my release made a tiny little click.
  9. i decided to hang a lock on on some private land i hunt today cause the wind and heat.Got in the hard woods and it was actually kinda calm compared to the field i walked through.It was quite noizy though.Found a rub line but still no scrapes?I know there are some knarly bucks in this area too.
  10. What?They kill the deer out of respect?Really?i think if you were waiting in a tree in my living room and stuck an arrow in me i would feel pretty damn disrespected!!!So hanging it by the feet makes them feel like they are respecting the deer now?Some people make me giggle.
  11. i never even hear that when it is "on".Just the areas i hunt i guess.Only time i ever heard rattling it was a neighbor.Even all the times i hunted state land.I try to be as stealth as possible too.Have had many all day sits.Ive heard late season tending grunts.But really want to hear and even see a couple bucks fighting.That is the reason i get up at 3:30 am on a saturday and sunday to go hunting even after getting up at 3:30 all week to get to work.LOL.
  12. Whats that?Like scrapes in the heart of the bedding area or something?
  13. that is an oppossum. I would be hard pressed not to hunt in my backyard if that was my backyard.LOL.
  14. that wildview cam must be a model up from mine.mine shuts off if its not picking any movement up in a few days.Its flash works only half the time.GRRR.Same as my moultrie D50 .Going to have to upgrade one day.
  15. barely any scrapes opened up around here.Gotta make a mock one to get them going i guess.
  16. could even use orange camo for archery if it was blended in right with the right pattern.Like a predator with the Zig Zag pattern being a orange and the background being lighter colors balanced by black and tan.Coundn't hide from humans then though.LOL.
  17. Who here bases their hunts around the lunar feeding times?I usually just sit in am and pm or in middle of day if i can.Never really based my times around the feeding times.I believe they are somewhat accurate though.Think i might start trying to hit the woods within an hr of before and after the feeding time for that day. Have any of you ever payed attn to when your sightings had to do with the lunar phase? Had a buddy that used to fish tourneys and he swore on the feeding times.He only hunted during peak feeding times and had success.So who knows.Right?
  18. someone is definatly thinking about me cause my ear is itching. I like it when my hand itches and i am suposed to come into some money like the wives tale.that one is busted.LOL
  19. this topic is brought up every year.Over and over.It is always a new person asking how far can they shoot. My speedometer says 130mph.Can i drive 130mph on curvy roads then?
  20. Thats what keeps us addicted.LOL.
  21. I don't know about that tension ring on these new extremes.I think its a better design than that crappy o ring but i had to loosen the broad head and put the blades back under the ring then tighten them down twice so far.And i have only been out 3 times.Its just the way the rear part of that blade sits in that retention ring.I think they are coming out when i walk of set down my bow.I don't get it.The ring only goes on one way too.So i know its not that.
  22. you gripped the handle to tight.Torqued the shot.Ever pull back your bow the grip the handle then move bow and string side to side.yep thats bow torque.Thats what happens when a monster is in front of ya.I may even get it even though i practice not to.never had a monster in front of me.Just shot over big bucks from not bending at waist.
  23. every year i tried something new.Only ONCE have i had a buck come to one and it was a spike.Its was to tinks 69.I wasted so much money on that crap through the years.I even bought Whitetail institutes Estrus and Pee and Buck pee.No luck.Maybe its just the woods i hunted but i think its just a waste of my money.I wan't to kill a doe and just use her pee and trasal glands this yr.I have the tarsal glands from the buck i shot last yr in my feezer still.Saving them for that special day.
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