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arrow nocker

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Everything posted by arrow nocker

  1. he was climbing up when he fell.Doesnt mean he wasn't going to harness off when he got up.The step came out it said.Wonder what that means really.Wonder if the treestand broke.I know i harness off when i get in my stand.But there is that area of danger between getting in and out of my stand.That is the area that this guy was in. Its awfull.
  2. It had to have been weak.It didn't run.It couldv'e out ran those yotes.Looked like it was on a chain in front of the camera for the yotes to eat.Amazing.Lasted for a long time.
  3. alott of work.I have a long hill behind my house i have to drag up.I built a cart that has slick front lawnmower wheels on it.I strap the deer on it and pull it.Still a lott of work with wheels even.Go 50 to 100 yds and stop and rest. I draged an 8 pt out of the woods for 1.5 miles with my at the time 14 yo son.we werent expecting to get a deer.Had nothing to drag it with but my gun sling.One held a side of the horns and one wraped the sling around his hand.Took turns with the sling.Took us around 4 hours up all kinds of ridges and creek bottoms.Now that was some work. I always take my cart now.
  4. what happens when you shoot sabats out of a smooth bore? Doesn't it tumble and go way off course?
  5. your right WNYBH.The marker does fade easily.Especially with the homemade scent killer i spray on it.The peroxide practically bleaches it.LOL.But i still never got busted or winded in it all season.Next year i am going to order some of those fabric markers of line.That aren't supposed to fade. The leaves i bought from online.They are Sneaky Leaves.Great for blending in.Especially for turkey hunting. I still want to kill a deer with my bow in orange jacket and bluejeans one day.LOL.
  6. had an owl come in for the kill on my cell phone when i was texting the wife on watch in my stand.It got withing inches.We were literaly face to face about a foot or so apart.I jumped then it flew into a tree about 15 feet away.I tried to get a pic with my phone then it flew to the next tree and just sat there for a few minuites staring at me.It was awsome!
  7. hahahahaha i was wondering why you had a feild point on there. I like it.funny.thought you were talking about the spike at first.LOL.
  8. say a guy with his 12 yr old in tow behind him with just camo on.Yep.Full camo during gun with your kid.My 11 yr old was on watch with me when we saw them.At first glimpse we thought it was a deer cause we could see 4 legs moving.then i said thats So & So.My son says OMG where is their orange. Funny thing just 30 mins before they cam through a doe cam through.she was just off a little far behind the brush to shoot.We watched her for about 15 mins but just wouldn't give me a clean shot.My son was mad i didn't shoot.I explained how a slug can riccoshay (i think spelling) when it hits a limb.Then 30 mins later i see them come by in camo.I said see son.If they were 30 mins earlier and i didn't see them then shot and the slug bounced of a limb and just slightly veered of its course.Bad things coulda happened.
  9. i dont think warm weather really holes them up like most people think.I think it has a lott to do with the pressure.They move when its warm.Just not as much as when they do in the am or pm.I have found that during a warm sunny day,I like to hunt swamps and near water.Set up between a bed and water hole.Might be suprised the activity you see.Also the pressure pushes them into the thicker crap.In there they feel safe.They might brouse some during the day.Even if you didn't hear a lott of shots opening weekend don't mean they aren't spooked from all the human stinch hovvering in the woods right now. I see a lott of deer around 8 and 9 am on full moon nights.Don't know why exactly maybe just coincidence.I have read over and over that full moon nights they travel in the mid day.But i have seen deer at all diferent times of the day on full moons. If you have 3 weeks off i would really hunt hard this week when they bucks are still chasing a little.Especially tomorrow morning.All the weekend gun comotion might have split up some groups or split up some bucks from thier does that are about to breed.They might be searching tomorrow. Hit the corrodors and trails. Pretty much any time of day you might get lucky.I know it can get fustrating.No matter how much science you put into it and how prepared you are.It still takes a little luck to be in the right time right place.Trust me.If it wasn't for bad luck i would have no luck at all.
  10. i think every one around me is just stand hunting and dont want to spook the deer of their land for the nextdoor neighbor to shoot.So there isn't any driving them.Very few shots more than one at a time,meaning they are probably ambush hunting and taking aim instead of shooting at a jumped deer.
  11. thats what i was thinking.And we even had 2 inches of snow on the ground here.
  12. hahahaha. ya bet she is grossed out.LOL
  13. Ya slow everywhere this yr.Strange really.I didn't see any big bucks or sign of any in my area.I had a lott of time on stand too.Took a vacation and ended up taking a small buck just to put meat in the freezer.Usually pas on small ones.But not this yr.
  14. yep. gun season is here. A lott of people dont care about the future population. Atleast they weren't button bucks.
  15. my son and i were walking in about 5:40 and heard a shot a long ways off in the distance.Must have bee a mishap cause it was dark.I had my headlamp on to see.We both just lookied at eachother and said"dang some one just shot their self".
  16. all day this time of yr.Any time really.Hunt bedding area exits this afternoon that you have the wind to your advantage.And feeding areas.Get in the woods ASAP.The rut is on.
  17. male prostitute caught on my trail cam.Here are the pics.He is wanted for tresspassing violations and prostitution charges from the local law enforcement.
  18. CONGRATS! Thats nice when you don't have to track them!
  19. I think it was more along the lines of a missed shot at a deer and not seeing what was in the back stop.I may be wrong but its how i percieve it. I think if there was an addequite amount of orange there the brother probably would of not shot in that direction.Well,I would hope any how.
  20. thats why they need to put more orange on those blinds.That little 3 inch square isn't nothing.I pin a orange vest on the front and 1 on the back of my chair blind.But still,a stray bullet could still hit me.
  21. sometimes luck happens in mysterious ways.
  22. I get more excited about the opening of archery. But this yer my 11 yr old will be sitting on watch with me where i have a stand in a bottleneck.Holding my doe tag for that day.Ive already got two in the freezer so i can be selective.
  23. the guy basicly raped this animal.And he is only going to get a slap on the wrist.Took advantage of its tameness and destroyed it for some bone that he wanted to hang on the wall.I think he should loose his liscence for life.A guy like this doesn't deserve the right to hunt in this state any more. The funny thing is.I am sure he has seen this thread.Think about it.Google cornell campus buck.Yep.This thread pops up.He is too much of a pansi to try to defend his honor.Probably because a guy like this has no honor.He is a Selfish low life. Hope they really nail him.
  24. I have boiled all kinds of leaves and pine needles and pine stems into a tea and it really smells woodsy.You put it in a sprayer and spray your clothes.Well,I put it in an empty juice bottle in the fridge and wrote on it"DON'T DRINK......NASTY......DONT DRINK...." Well,low and behold,my kids thought it was sweet tea.And they would poor it into a glass and go to drink it.Let me say that was funny the first time my 6 yr old daughter came to tell me.Then i couldn't believe even my teenagers did it later on.They finally dumped it out so i dont use it any more. Besides.it only makes you smell like woods to you.Deer smell woods all the time.its your smell you dont want them to smell.So i just make my own homemade scent killer.I spary down with that and thats it.Deer dont smell nothing.
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