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  • Hunting Location
    Allegany and Cattaraugus counties
  • Hunting Gun
    Ruger Mini-14, Remington 12 gauge shotgun
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. Adam95

    New Hunter

    Thanks everyone. I'm really looking forward to it.
  2. Hello all. I am a 35 year old who is registered for a Hunter's safety course to take place in a few weeks. I grew up here in rural New York state, and in a hunting family. Because of a variety of reasons I never took the hunter's safety course as a youngster, but I am starting to get the desire to hunt again now as an adult. My primary question for folks here is what is it like taking the hunter's ed course as an adult? I'm sure most of the participants will be youngsters between 12-16 years of age. Is there usually a mix of adults and children in the course? Will it seem awkward for me going through the course as an adult? Thanks.
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