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Everything posted by arikinthecity

  1. I've watched lots of hunting videos with my kids. Virginia is only 4 hours away. Paying a NJ preserver some insane price to setup a hunt just seems like the most unreal hunting experience. I'm willing to take time and my plane is to setup a blind and some bate in the worst case.
  2. So the reason I'm thinking of hog hunting is that I'm taking young children. Hogs are not as beautiful as deer and I don't want my kids hunting for deer at a young age. THe other reason is that hogs are destructive and they can understand that we are hunting for a nuisance animal that is hurting the environment and other animals. I'm not judging those that hunt deer as I completely understand why their populations need to be controlled as well. We have dozens of them walking through my yard in jersey all the time. We also want to include the process of taking the hogs and donating the meet for others , especially those that don't have food. It's one part learning to hunt another for teaching kids a few good lessons as I mentioned in my first post. I'm sure you guys reading this understand. As for why I picked Pennsylvania, it's only two hours drive from NJ, and I thought that hunting and guns are more acceptable out in those parts. In my neck of the woods, having a permit for long guns is not the norm. Getting a hand gun permit is even tougher and a CCP is next to impossible. I'll look into Field to Fork or other ways to donate the meet that we get. Maybe I can barter with a guide his services for the meet. Again thanks to all for the good points. I'm sure my plan will change and you input is appreciated ALOT. I'm starting to think about a weekend trip to Texas. They have more hogs then they can handle and hunting is simpler out there.
  3. Jmark, I understand you setiments. I'm realistic about this and I know I sound green and naive the way I wrote this up on the first post. I do realize that hunting is not the simplest thing and takes years of learning and trial and error to get any good at it. Just like archery and fishing and I want to start with my kids so they will be experienced hunters by the time they reach their teen years. Instead of spening money on an xbox and plastic toy guns, my kids will learn to respect weapons, know how to use them safely and learn about what hunting really means. Ok, I'll get a hunting license that makes it legal, whatever it takes, if it's for a season or week or whatever. I'll even pay for a guide or read up on any specific area and make myself an expert. I'll even go hunting first on my own to get experienced with the land and the process. I realize it is hard enough for an experienced hunter to do this on their own and my dream of taking 4 kids and 3 dads that haven't hunted before is quite a tall order. Regardless, I hope that there are good folks out there and on this forum that can give some guidance on some key points to help me on this journey. If there are any posts that deal with specific hunting grounds for hogs in Eastern Pennsylvania please let me know. If you know of any guides that can lead a team please let me know.
  4. THis is for my first post and the reason I'm on this forum is to quickly learn as much as possible about hunting. I've read lots and went hunting years ago. I appreciate any advise others can give as well as constructive criticism. I'm a 44 year old father of 7.5 year old twins living in Bergen County in the Soviet Socialist Replublic of New Jersey. Yes, I'm a die hard republican leaning libertarian at heard Conservative american that voted for trump and is proud of it. I have rifle permit and frequent the shooting range. A group of like minded fathers in the area and I would like to take our kids on a hunting trip to the wilds of Pennsylvania. Here is my plan and I thank anyone in advance who can provide feedback and advise. My main plan is to get a Penn hunting license for a day and take the group of 4 kids and 3 fathers and one or two rifles to a private land or public land and shoot some hogs. The goal is to each our children about hunting, respecting the animals and possibly field dress the animals, collect the meat and donate the meat to a local food bank, charity,etc. We want to teach the children that killing is not a sport but a way of life that used to be and that we use the meat to respect the animals and what it means to hunt. At the same time we want to focus on safety, awareness and respect for nature, teach what it really means to hunt and to be humane in dispatching the wild animal. TO add to this whole plan, I want to only hunt for feral hogs. They are a pest and I want to impress upon my children the fact that hunting these animals protects other animals and people as the hogs are a significant danger and are destroying property and the balance in nature. Some of you must be wonderin, why the heck isn't he going to stock up his freezer with all the meat. Well, I don't eat pork/ham/pig so that's out of the question but I want to provide the meat to others. Killing the animals without a positive outcome is even an option. So with all that, I've searched on google and found some private locations that have a whole menu of hunting game and some insane $$$ for each. THere is no way I'm going to shell out good money to have a simulated fake hunting experience. So can anyone give some advice of where a hunting party can go to hunt for free? Any fathers out there do this with their young kids? Thanks again and happy hunting to all, ARiK
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