Over the weekend at a Crossbow Shoot in Rushville, NY, we had some good discussions with NY hunters on broadheads and the regulation language describing broadheads. We all know that Game Regulations will differ state by state and at one point, we were all a little confused. Here is New York state info on broadheads that prohibit "barbed" broadheads... simple enough but the discussion was about mechanicals and whether they were considered "barbed." Looking at the chart, it would appear that our favorite mechanicals (Spitfire and Killzone) retract and pivot at withdrawal, so they would be OK as shown on this chart. (99% of the time, withdrawal is not an issue --- the arrow will pass through the game animal.) On a recent bear hunt with Killzones which is our Number #1 choice, that was the case for 2 bears - the bears only traveled 10 yards after the shot. If you use mechanicals on your crossbow, we would suggest you always use "crossbow specific" mechanical broadheads since they are engineered to remain closed during arrow acceleration. See our Accessories section at www.kodabow.com for some descriptions of the broadheads and examples.