I am new to the capital region and I had been hunting on the same land for the past 6 years, but will not have rights this year because the property was sold.
I am trying to find some ideas for places to hunt in, or close to, Saratoga County. I have played around on the DEC website for public land, but it can be a bit confusing. From what I have heard, the public land around here is very crowded during the hunting season. I am open to hunting on public land (mainly during bow season), but i'd prefer to have something private for gun for my own safety. I can really only get out there 2-3 weekends during the season.
I even thought of dropping off flyers to some local farmers near my house but I was sure if that would tick people off! I was going to pay, barter labor, or even or meat for rights to hunt occasionally.
I'd be open for any suggestions! Thanks!