Hello everyone!
This past weekend, I was in the woods doing a little walking around with another hunting buddy, and stumbled upon a Massive Rub. (take a look at the pic). During the early and mid bow season, i snapped about 300 pictures of various 4 pters, 6 ptrs, and 2 really impressive 8 ptrs. (see second pic). So far this gun season, we have taken 3 small bucks (2 spikes, and 1 4 ptr) off the property. (new hunters wanted their first deer, i know i know let em grow....) The other big deer are NO WHERE to be seen. MY guess is that this rub that i found is from the big boy, and he is pushing everything else off the property.
The rub is located in a Hard-to-get-to spot deep in the woods overlooking a tight funnel, with a stream about 200 yards away.
My question is: How do I go about finding this guy? what are some of your tactics in getting him to show up? I've been in the woods every weekend for the past 8 weeks, and havent confirmed seeing him except on the camera in August. The third pic is right in front of where the rub is. Just passed the first row of trees, is a stream that runs through the border of my property.