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I would like to address the notion of why the so called "Democratic" or "progressive" party is not "Liberal" , a term that once implied the conservation of individual liberty. The term right and left is pretty much meaningless in todays world. You have two fundamental philosophies to government, one where there is a desire to centralize government power and that wants to preserve and conserve individual and religious freedoms. Actually the Democratic Party and the so called "modern day liberals" (which are not really "liberal" at all) have much more in common with the Nazi's and the Fascists than they are willing to admit and are are the opposite of conservatives who are the true liberals. The modern day liberals (aka progressives) are for the centralization of power and bigger government along with the diminishing of individual rights and religious freedoms. They have much in common with the effective and practiced policies of Nazi's, fascists and the actual practice of so-called communist states which have used the façade of socialistic democracy to achieve centralization of power before they devolve into dictatorships (which they all do eventually). The term "Liberal" prior to the emergence of the "progressive movement" in the early 20th century meant one that believed in conserving liberty and the preservation of individual freedoms. Hence conservatives are the "true Liberals" in today's world. The term liberal was hijacked in the early to mid 20th century. Using the term liberal, progressives like Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were able to fundamentally change the role of government in American society by expanding it under the guise that more regulation meant more freedom. The opposite was true, and they knew it.
We talk about impeaching people and voting people out of office but we are not being realistic. It's not that easy. The problem isn't with Cuomo or Obama, its with the voters. I understand Cuomo is still very popular with a 70% approval rating. We are not going to get him impeached over the SAFE act. People like Cuomo and Obama are slick spin experts who know how to look good and get votes. They will do or say anything to garner votes. They are pros! The problem is our ever more non-thinking ever-more government dependent electorate who can't see past it all. We have been losing the culture war. I would like to quote Laura Hollis who I recently heard speak: "Our largest primary social institutions - education, the media, Hollywood (entertainment) have become nothing more than an assembly line for cranking out reliable little Leftists. Futhermore, we have allowed the government to undermine the institutions that instill good character - marriage, the family, communities, schools, our churches." If we don't reclaim the family their is no hope and we all lose. For instance, take the inner cities where the leftist's like Cuomo get their most votes. Marriage is infrequent and unwed motherhood approches 80%. That trend is increasing even in the suburbs and rural areas. The best thing we can all do is to set an example and influence those around us especially our families. Strengthen the family and reverse the trends. It won't happen overnight but it is the only thing that will save us. I'm not saying not to write our elected officials, school admistrators and the media, but to really make a difference, we need to teach our children, grandchildren and friends not only about wisdom of the Second Amendment and the Constitution but we also need to teach them about the truth about character, respect for life, respect for others, and personal responsibility.