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HuntingNY.com rules and terms

By using our forums (this includes but is not limited to signing up as a member, logging in as a member, or even browsing our forums without signing up) you agree to the following:

The owner and administrators moderators of HuntingNY.com will not be held liable for any objectionable messages posted on this forum; ownership and liability lie with the

original poster of the message in question. It is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and NOT HuntingNY.com and neither the owners of HuntingNY.com, nor the developers of this site will be held responsible for the content of any message, regardless of what the message says or implies or any posts replying to said message.

You warrant that by registering for our forums, or simply just browsing our forums, you will indemnify HuntingNY.com from any and all legal liability civil, criminal, or otherwise. You warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate any laws.

The owners of HuntingNY.com reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content on the site which includes a thread, PM, page, contest, and advertisement for any reason but are not compelled to do so unless they deem it to be necessary.

  1. Be respectful, do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, contain curses, or otherwise violate of any laws
  2. All posts should be and remain courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective. However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in this forum, you are expected to obey this rule. Doing otherwise will get your account banned temporarily, or permanently if the situation becomes severe enough (this will be left to the discretion of the moderation team). Phrases such as "shut up, idiot," are indicative of problematic posts and should be reported. Please, remember to stay mature and thoughtful at all times.
  3. Do not upload, attach, or otherwise post any copyrighted material which you are not free to redistribute. If you have a question about having permission to post or attach a specific item, please ask a moderator. Any posts or threads found in violation of this rule will be edited or deleted, and the poster warned or possibly banned; at the moderation team's discretion.
  4. Do not spam or self-promote in the forums. These forums define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites or posts with little, no or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the forums with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums. Using the PM system to solicit business and circumvent the advertising rules and regulations is not allowed. Violating this rule may result in your ability to send PMs to be disabled, or your account being banned. If you wish to advertise on the forums please use the contact form, we would be happy to discuss our numerous and affordable sponsoring options.
  5. Classifieds – HuntingNY.com takes ZERO responsibility for what members are buying and selling in the classifieds section. No spamming or commercial solicitation of any kind allowed on our sites other than authorized individuals representing a given level of advertiser. Any such messages violating these terms will be removed at the discretion of the moderators and/or staff. Per the NY SAFE act, it is currently illegal to sell any gun classified as an assault rifle or pistol, etc to any NY resident. All sales of guns, ammo, etc should be sold in conformation of the NY laws. Huntingny.com is not responsible for any illegal activities carried out by members or guests, but we will attempt to delete threads containing any items not legal to sell in NY state.
  6. Multiple Registrations Prohibited - Impersonation of any person or entity, forgery of headers or other manipulation of identifiers including, but not limited to, multiple registrations by an individual, is prohibited. If you continue to create new accounts after you have been banned, your IP address may well be blocked from the forums. If you then start to register using different IP addresses, we reserve the right to take legal action against you. Using proxy servers will not get you anywhere.

Specific Forum Rules

The rules and guidelines found in this document cover the entire site. In addition, some of the forums may have additional rules and guidelines that apply specifically. Before

posting in any forum, check for any sticky posts containing additional rules.

General Posting Guidelines

If you have a problem or question its best to use search first. There is a good chance that it has been addressed on this forum. Just use the search bar at the top right of the page.

Use Specific and Descriptive Topic Names and Threads

Post a descriptive topic name to make it easier to gain attention and attain help. Give a short summary of your problem IN THE SUBJECT.

Bad topic name examples:

1) Help me!

2) Hello

3) Deer

Good topic name example:

How to do I adjust the poundage on my PSE Brute Bow for an additional 5 pounds?

The following additional rules apply to all of the For Sale and Wanted forums (Classifieds)

1. Do not post (or ask for) any illegal items for sale, including but not limited to (this means the list can change and even if something isn't listed here it may still get you banned )

a. AR-15 style firearms

b. Anything else that fits the Assault Weapon ban that has been enacted. This includes but isn't limited to firearms with features such as a detachable magazine, threaded barrel, pistol grip, etc.

c. Handguns with threaded barrels

d. Magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds


2. All items MUST include an asking price. If it is an item for trade, an approximate value or list of items that you would trade for is required. Indicate in your initial post if you are offering shipping on your item.

3. Leave contact information. If you want people to email you make sure it's posted in your thread. Users cannot email you through the forum.

4. No "thread crapping". If you aren't interested in an item do not post in the thread. This absolutely includes any unnecessary comments about a seller's asking price. This also includes making public offers on price and trades. PM ALL offers, whether it be a dollar amount or a trade.

5. Make sure the location listed in your profile is up to date.

6. If an item has sold, please say so and we will lock the thread.

7. Follow all state, federal and local laws and regulations regarding the sale of firearms.

8. Use a descriptive title. "Rifle for sale" is not descriptive. "26" barrel Remington 700 in .308" is descriptive.

9. Failure to complete a sale/trade, once an agreement between buyer and seller is established, will result in a ban, at a mods discretion the ban may be permanent!! DO NOT COMMIT TO SOMETHING YOU CANNOT FOLLOW THROUGH WITH!

10. HuntingNY.com does not take any responsibility for any items bought or sold on the forum. It is up to you to research price, describe items accurately and work out all transactions. With that said, if you are cheated please bring it to the attention of the site admin via PM with a detailed description of what happened.

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