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Posts posted by skyhunter

  1. All I keep hearing is man, turkeys with a bow, your not going to have much success.



    don't know why you're hearing this. turkeys are not that difficult to get within bow range.


    I've been bowhunting them for only a few years, and am now 2 for 4 on shots at Toms. got 2 in a row on consecutive hunts as well; my 1st Tom was taken in 2011, and then the first time out in 2012, scored another Tom the very 1st morning. last year got another shot my 1st morning out but blew it, shooting low from an awkward position (kneeling) in my pop up blind. I had my chance to go an unheard of 3 in a row with a bow; but I didn't make the shot. well, 2 in a row aint bad.


    I'll bet you get one.

  2. I don't think a weapon should be defined by how it fires, but more by how it kills... a crossbow kills the exact same way as any bow. I wonder how bow hunters would feel if there was a movement to allow spears in to archery season. Basically a huge arrow propelled by hand. I'd like to see the argument against that.


    never said that a bow is defined by how it fires. 


    said the source of the energy is 2 limbs which form a bow.


    your point of how it kills can be well off the mark, when you consider the many different killing options that the projectile might have;  a pod being one of them.


    so the reality is that a bow is indeed defined by how it stores energy, and not how it kills as you suggested.

    • Like 1
  3. Biggest argument about Xbows is; What type of weapon are they? Definitely not a long gun or ML like NYS legislation is trying to define them. Has a string, cams, limbs and shoots a short arrow - So aren't they more like archery tackle? Guess it all depends on what side of the discussion you're on.



    a weapon that launches a projectile through the energy stored in a pair of limbs which form a bow.


    case closed.

  4. Not to dredge-up past topics about hunting myths, but isn't this sililiar to 70+yd shots with a compound? Or 300+yd shots with a modern in-line ML? Head or neck shots? Of course they're possible, but Could I, Would I, Should I do this in a real hunting scenario? From a more personal perspective, depends on whether you have the apple on your head or aiming the Xbow. Maybe it simply boils down to the respect a hunter has for the game they're pursuing and their definition of an ethical shot. Lot of mis-leading or overly exaggerated sales hype around about the capabilities of Xbows, unfortunately mostly from mfgers.

    my point it is that it has more to do with shooting ability than it does ethics.

    I hunt with a friend that can group his compound at 80 yards much better than the average bowhunter can at 20 yards.

    he bought a modern Strikeforce x bow last year and came over to shoot it in my yard.

    1st) he took some shots offhand and no problem shooting bulls from 30 to 40 yards.

    next I set him up with a tripod shooting stick and he shot from my deck putting them right in there out to 60 yards.

    so you see a crossbow in his hands at 60 yards is a slam dunk shot. ethical?; yes for him it is.

    there are guys who can put a bullet in an animal at 700 yards with better accuracy than most hunters can at 100.

    therefore, a hunter needs to tailor their shot opportunities around their own abilities. what you call an unethical shot for a given weapon may not be when that weapon is in the hands of a high level shooter.

  5. Napoleon complex

    his latest quote is " if there such a thing as heaven he will bypass the interview stage and go directly in."

    the man stole millions with illegal spyware in the computer equipment he sold that monitored what investors were doing.

    next, he cuts down smoking,attempts to do the same with soda, and for this he thinks he is a saint who cares about other people. he has done nothing but step on people his whole miserable life.

    the man is a criminal and he is right about bypassing the interview process.

    he is going straight to hell, where he can be with the other insecure Napoleonic losers like himself.

    • Like 1
  6. 40 yards MAX ! !



    if that is the case with you, either you're shooting old tech or you haven't become proficient shooting off a good rest or sticks. 


    today a capable crossbow in the hands of an equally capable shooter can reach out a lot further than 40 yards, and do so with accuracy and killing power to spare. 

  7. while I agree with your right to shoot this needs clearing up:

    "AND I shoot behind the house, so all the shooting is blocked form the neighbors by either my house or plenty of trees."

    your shooting is "blocked by your house" would imply you're shooting in the direction of your house.

    "shooting blocked by plenty of trees" doesn't say anything about the line of fire or what's behind that line.

  8. while all but one of my cams were over water, this one (P41) homebrew was on dry land targeting turkeys when this blond coyote that I have captured before walked in on 3-24-2014 at 1:28 pm.

    light was just right for the time of day.


    • Like 3
  9. I'm really starting to think there a reading comprehension problem on this forum.


    Its kinda funny all you guys insulting me on here but you've yet to say anything about the facts I've posted, except the few guys with reading comprehension problems that didn't understand the article.



    now how many times have you gone to the reading comprehension well?


    and how many times has it been that you have whined about other guys insulting you when it is you and no one else that has called other members moron and idiot?


    you think you are smart but you are very short sighted in the conclusions you draw from the license sale numbers of a few states.


    what you think you know:


    1) crossbows have not increased license sales in those states.

    2) crossbows have not recruited hunters in those states.


    what you don't know:


    1) how many other variables contribute to overall license sales.

    2) how many new and existing older hunters got in the game as a result of the crossbow.

    3) how much license sales would have decreased had crossbows not been introduced.


    you see hunter numbers and license sales have been on a nation wide decline for some time and without the recruitment of youth, women, and keeping older hunters hunting, this trend will not only continue but the rate will also increase.


    the decline in the next generation is the biggest concern and while older hunters leave us for good, there is no stability in the replenishment  of our sport.


    the conclusions that you have come to have no facts what so ever backing them up as you are discounting countless variables that contribute to license sales. 


    yet you continue to think you have proven something on this forum while calling others idiots and morons.


    you might want to really stop and think about that for a minute and then also take some time to consider how many members reading this thread agree with either your behavior or your baseless conclusions.


    one thing you are right about though, is that have proven something here, and beyond the shadow of a doubt; but not the thing you intended.

    • Like 1


    You must be a lonely miserable little man!

    LOL...little man.

    You're just an idiot!

    You need to get back in the closet!

    What a friggin idiot!

    You're one of those wee little men

    you moron

    yep, the need to toss out insult after insult sure proves how right you are.



  11. Tool!


    You must be a lonely miserable little man!


    LOL...little man.


    You're just an idiot!


    You need to get back in the closet!


    What a friggin idiot!


     You're one of those wee little men


     you moron




    now when this guy debates a topic he sure knows how to show his true class. Priceless!

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