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Posts posted by skyhunter

  1. thanks for the compliments. It's means a lot to me when my work is reconized by my peers and fellow hunters.

    yes, water is a hot spot to get pictures of all animals since they all need it. some water trail cam spots are obvious and easy to locate by footprints while others will be more challenging. water locations that are "in the path" of an animals daily feeding and bedding patterns are logically the best bet, but that doesn't necessarily mean that other water locations won't be visited fairly consistently as well. placing a cam for a few weeks will be a good test of where they frequent. a time lapse camera that is placed to "see" a large area can be valuable as well to see where they are drinking or crossing.

    good luck with your water cams. I think you will get some great pics and definitely be surprised by what unexpected critters also show up there.

  2. Some very nice crisp clear pics. Can u give me some info on your homebrews?

    thanks all, the ducks have been very cooperative this past month.

    My Panasonic homebrew units consist of compact 12 meg models wired to a SS2 control board.

    the Panasonic cameras models that are built into my trail camera units which have been found to function well with this application include the FX48, FS7, and FH20. A water resistant case enclosure is sold to accommodate different size camera widths. holes are cut out for the lens, flash, and control board Fresnel lens. Glass is secured in place covering the camera lens and flash. The camera is hacked into and a wire is run to the control board. Everything sits neatly into the weather tight case. there are many web sites that explain the procedures. There are also guys that sell finished units.

    Though I love getting pictures of all wildlife (especially birds,)I am not yet a waterfowl hunter though it looks like a great sport that I would love to try someday when I have more time.

    Duck Wild part 2 coming soon and I saved the best ones for last.

  3. the boys are back in town; girls too. yep, they showed up in March and have been chasing each other all over the place. action has been hot. these are the good ones from March and early April. mostly Panasonic homebrews with a few from a P41, and S600.









  4. Awesome pic. Do u have any other bird pics?


    thanks. yes, I have lots of ducks and blue heron pictures plus an owl and immature bald eagle. oh and a unique crow picture.

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  5. this is one of the few good ones I got in January. The jay looked small and far away in the original, but the focus looked good enough to try a big time crop. taken with Panasonic FH20 homebrew cam.




  6. had some time recently to check some overdue cams that I have neglected after the bow season opened here in NY. No big buck pics but a few other interesting subjects. these are from the last few weeks: the coyote has something fairly large and brown in it's mouth. I zoomed in but the picture is already cropped some and it's hard to see what it is. My guess is either a muskrat or a young beaver. Both are common around this water.











  7. nice action, and good luck with that buck, but consider this. you in a treestand are a major variable. and you not being in that same stand is also a major variable. had you been there that morning you can't say for sure that deer activity would have been equal to when the stand was vacant.

  8. Lol it just seems to me that deer and a lot of other animals use pee to mark territory and each pee has a distinct smell. That human piss would scare the shit out of deer.... I always pee to

    nothing could be further from the truth.

    studies have shown deer actually are attracted to human urine left in mock scrapes.

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