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Rack Em Up

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Posts posted by Rack Em Up

  1. I hunt in an area that is predominantely surrounded by mountain laurel. I know there are big bucks in the area but all sightings have gone to 0 both in person and on my cameras. Since it's rifle season I know the big boys have headed to the thick stuff, but the question that remains is how to hunt it?

    Should I try to hunt the edges with a climber and get up as high as possible?

    Do I try to sneak in 10-30 yds and then climb a tree in there?

    I don't want to bump everything out but know in order to be successful I will have to get to where they are bedding. There are a lot of acorns so hunting a food source is not really a sound strategy for where I hunt. 

  2. 19 hours ago, suburbanfarmer said:

    So do the coyote get it too after eating a deer that dies due to EHD?

    From my time studying biology in college, EHD and many hemorrhagic diseases can only be transmitted across ruminants or hoofed animals. EHD is interesting because it is spread by the bite of Culicoide gnats, not bodily fluids like AHD or CWD. Humans, although I do not advise or suggest, can technically eat the meat and not be infected. Very interesting if it is EHD as the gnats won't be able to survive the cooler temps and will hopefully die, hence reducing the transmission rate among the herds. 



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  3. Update: I finally got a single picture of this bruin on my camera! I left the card upstate though. Now it's a matter of utilizing a climbing stand so that I can hunt the area regardless of the wind.

  4. 3 hours ago, Yorehntr said:

    I’ve been making them, off and on for awhile. Learned a lot doing it and tweaked it throughout the years.

    the big thing I’ve learned, is to get them established very early and put them in or around areas that deer like to scrape. Usually don’t need scent, because they start to hit it in the summer. I even cut the low hanging branches from quite a distance around, so that they’re more likely to use the one I create.

    Great way to get pictures of the deer in your area


    I was always hesitant to start them too soon, but it seems that it is never too soon. I guess I need to catch up. In years past, I've made them late October.

  5. 30 minutes ago, silent death said:

    I've had smaller bucks hitting mock scrapes now for 2 weeks already but it's been colder up here at night I think it has the little guys fired up ... It may sound funny but i used doe in estrous and added a little water so it wasnt to potent this early in the season 

    I have little guys hitting mine and lightly sparring since the first week of September now. Seems early to me, but who knows. Most mock scrapes products have doe in estrous, so I was hesitant to utilize anything right now.

  6. Congrats to your son on passing! I hope many years of great memories are shared between the two of you. You are correct and I am 99.99% certain on the following (anyone else please chime in). The bow privilege provides your son an either sex tag and an antlerless tag that can be used during the bow or muzzleloader season only. Not sure how old your kid is but if they are 14 or older, they will also be eligible to hunt with a firearm and will be provided a regular season (buck only tag). If your child is eligible to hunt with a firearm, they can participate in the Columbus Day Weekend Youth Hunt! That hunt enables your child to take a male or female, but their regular season tag must be used, unless you receive a DMP. If you hunt in an area with antler restrictions, 12-16 yr olds can take an antlered buck so long as their horns are 3" or longer. 

    Again, I'm 99.99% certain but could be mistaken so please follow up with the DEC regulation book. Good luck to you and your son and I hope this helped.


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  7. 22 minutes ago, genesee_mohican said:

    It sounds like you have to excellent places to hunt, I wouldn't sweat it too much, just think about the wind and go with your gut feeling. But most importantly, have fun and enjoy the hunt.

    Couldn't agree more! I've had more success giving up on my tree stand/blind and just picking a new location by sitting on the ground because my gut told me so. 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    Play the wind for the stand first.  Then would depend on your goals for the year. If your looking to fill the freezer or possibly eat a tag to have a chance at a giant.  

    I chased after one deer all one season and ended up eating my buck tag. But I did fill the freezer first with two does. 


    Fortunately, meat isn't the issue. I love venison and have several people that enjoy it, but I'm content burning the tag to let the younger ones grow. Personally, I would rather shoot a doe and let a 3yr old buck live but that's just my opinion. I love being out there and having the opportunity to spend time with the elders in the group. 

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  9. It's almost that time of the year and when I say almost, I mean 78 hours 10 minutes and 10 seconds, but hey who's counting? I'm in a bit of a dilemma as I don't know what location to sit at when I get out there this week. In one location, I have photos of 3-4 shooters (8 points or more/ 3.5- 4yr old deer) and several young bucks (1.5- 3). The other location has an older mature deer (5-6years old) that looks like it migrated from Saskatchewan. Unfortunately, I have yet to see this deer myself but several locals have witnessed him throughout the summer. The last time someone that I know saw him was the first week of September. About three weeks ago, I finally set a camera up in the location where he has been spotted crossing but don't have any photos of him. I have several young bucks in that spot, but none of the legend.Two years my Dad had an encounter with him during crossbow season in the same location, but couldn't get a shot. What do you all think: Give up and go to the first location or remain hopeful that eventually he will show up? 

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  10. On 12/5/2019 at 2:15 PM, Borngeechee said:

    I'm going to hit up Sterling tomorrow with the electronic predator call in the hopes there are a few looking for those last minute calories.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

    How efficient is this method for calling in black bears? I have seen/read about it being used, predominately out west, but wasn't sure how effective it was. 

  11. I'm sure we have all seen on TV or in magazines lavish products and technology being advertised that guarantee to increase one's success in the field. One item in particular, HECS Suit, has recently caught my attention. HECS Suit claim that their patented technology blocks one's naturally occurring electrical signature and allows people to get closer to the game they pursue. I know animals, especially whitetails, rely upon their 5 senses to reduce their risk of predation. However, HECS Suits are intended to protect hunters from animals sixth sense: the ability to detect electrical magnetic pulses emitted by humans. As someone that currently studies Biology in college, I have done a lot of work with animals and know they utilize this sixth sense in a variety of different ways. The HECS suits go for $179, give or take, but if they do what they are advertised than by all means I would be willing to try them out. With that being said, people have been hunting for centuries and without half the modern technology we have today. A bit skeptical myself, but was curious to see others input on the topic. 

  12. Hey All,

    As archery season is well underway and November is fast approaching, I was curious to see what scents/lures work for y'all. For years I used to work the traditional Tinks and other store brought products, until 3 years ago I came across this "local"(Owner makes the lures out of his home in NJ) brand, Signal 11 Lures. I by no means am sponsored or paid by the company to write this post, but rather share my new found success and insights. As you all know hunting in NY is not like the TV shows, but ever since utilizing Signal 11 lures "Scrape Nuggets" and urine scents the amount of action I get afield rivals some of the pros on TV! I typically take a white sock, spray it in deer urine and use it as a drag line attached to my boot. When I get to my spot, I tie the sock at waist high to resemble a whitetails tail (make sure its not directly infant of you so that someone doesn't shoot in your direction!) and let nature take its course. 

    So what brands and scents do y'all use and how do you use them? 

  13. My family and I have been hunting in 4P (Downsville/Colchester and Hamden) for many years. There have been some monster bucks taken off of our property in the 90's and early 2000's but in recent years the sightings of deer have definitely declined. My older relatives attribute it to a steady decline in farmers, hunters (instate and out of state) and a terrible buck to doe ratio. I can sit for days and see many does, but little to no bucks. They are definitely out there it is just a matter of seeing them during the day. Good luck and congrats on the new oasis! 

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  14. 18 hours ago, moog5050 said:

     Not lots of info. Do you have an idea where the does you have on cam bed?   I prefer hunting downwind of doe bedding vs food in rut.   That is when I would expect new bucks to show.   

    I have a general idea of where I think they are bedding. The stand is located between two main food sources. The neighbor directly behind me has two large food plots and in front of me is an active dairy farm. Where I have my stand set up, I catch them leaving my neighbors food plot in the early morning and heading towards the dairy farm. In the afternoon it is the opposite as I catch them coming from the farm.

  15. Hey All,

    I've been hunting in NY state for about seven years now and come from a family of hunters with a ton of hunting experience both in NY state and Canada. As someone that has always enjoyed browsing this website, I decided to join because I'm in need of some advice. Last year I followed my gut and set up a spot in an area that was never really hunted by anyone in my family or people that have access to our land. From the moment I set up cameras (around this time last year) I had 3-4 (1.5-2.5 year old) bucks and one 4 year old that was a big eight. During rifle season my dad took the 4 year and I took a 2.5 year old seven pointer (which we never had on camera) from the same spot. This past summer I really took it upon myself to develop this area by planting two small 1/4 acre food plots in this predominantly wooded area. However, despite my good fortunes last year and the work put in this summer, I have yet to see one buck on camera. I run two cameras and have hundreds of photos of does and several bears, but no bucks. As someone that hunts with a crossbow and rifle, due to school and other commitments, I'm torn between looking for a new spot or remaining faithful to this current set up.


    What do you all think: Stick with it or go to another location?

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