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    Delaware County and ADK region
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    Google search on Chestnuts

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  1. If you go to the NY page of TACF you will see a YouTube video, from the Tempelton Foundation. That will show the transgenic tree program. https://www.acf.org/ny/ The CBS presentation on the right side of the page does not cover the transgenic tree that SUNY-ESF has developed.
  2. Anyone interested in the transgenic tree that SUNY-ESF has developed, https://www.esf.edu/chestnut/ just send me an email. [email protected] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mhMdUryolU&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR27j2PDI52Ae7amNXcxCYIAtVO7Aq8uyiPUGRD3pPSzzGLS7Bxr1UzatCA The hybrid trees are not as blight resistant as originally hoped, as they have found that there are genes for blight resistant on 9 of the 12 chromosomes in the Chinese chestnut, not just 2-3 as originally thought when they started the back cross breeding program over 30 years ago.. That make it almost impossible to develop a chestnut tree that would be as blight resistant as the Chinese tree, but be mostly American. Allen Nichols President, NY-TACF
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