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Hoyt 300

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Hoyt 300 last won the day on December 17 2013

Hoyt 300 had the most liked content!

About Hoyt 300

  • Birthday 10/01/1957

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Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Southern Livinston County
  • Hunting Gun
    Mossberg 500 Fully Rifled Barrel
  • Bow
    Elite Z 28

Hoyt 300's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Custom Built Deer Stands. Built to your specifications Basic 5 X 5 with 4 operable windows Starting at $800.00 I use 3 different materials for the walls, 7/16 OSB, 3/8 CDX Plywood and Rough Cut Pine Your Choice.. For roofing you can choose, If its going to be elevated a Heavy Duty Sun Resistant Tarp stretched over a 2x2 frame. For Ground applications Metal or shingles. Stay out of the Cold, Wind and Snow.I can even install a propane heater. The choices are yours Contact me at [email protected]
  2. What a beautiful day to be out in the woods. I spent the afternoon walking the property. I was half assed shed hunting, Saw nothing. Found alot of standing dead trees for firewood.

  3. Thunder Chickens in the pasture. This morning we had a small flock of Turkeys visit.The Tom was all spread out, I couldn't get a pic though Oh boy May 1st the season opens. Fresh Turkey breast, Doesn't get much better than that.

  4. Operating Engineer Local 832 Rochester NY 34 years. Mostly running Ashpalt Pavers and Rollers. Laid off every winter to Hunt and Ice Fish.
  5. We started out the day -13 degrees, Barney had the right idea. Couch and a blanket. We must not have taken all the Deer, Iv'e seen 3 different groups today.The day was beautiful, Bright sunshine 24 degrees.Finished the day with Spaghetti and Venison meatballs. For the dead of Winter i'll take a day like this anytime.

  6. Flash BackThe Yellow hard tail had a 1956 Pan Head motor with Shovel heads and barrels. The serial number was FLH565666. The mark of the Devil, It tried to kill me several times. The 1975 was bought as a Full dresser, Once I took all the crap off it and painted it it became a nice cruiser

  7. Flash back Friday, Anyone from Athena should remember this guy. Not alot will remember this boat. Cowboys Dream, We had many good times out Salmon fishing on this

  8. I finished the new Gun cabinet. When I have company for Hunting there wasn't enough spots for the Guns.This way they are all out of the way. This was built all with scrap wood I had left over from other projects.All of my Gun cleaning supplies fit in the drawer.

  9. The Family. Yesterday was one of the best Christmas's in years. We ventured to Marion to spend the day with Jay,Christy,Chase and Aiden. The boys are growing fast. A very relaxing and enjoyable day.

  10. We were staying in the Mariott Residence Inn in Cheektowaga Friday and Saturday , Getting fuel and food and then driving to Lancaster and Orchard Park. A long ride in a Loader. The hotel looked real good after every shift
  11. On early wednesday morning I got a call to run a loader in Buffalo. I had to drive it there from Rochester. A 4 hour ride. I got a new perspective on people. 4 loaders were working opening up huge apartment complexes. The people were so glad to see us.One thing that was never mentioned, There was nothing open. For All Wednesday and Thrursday we had no food, On Thursday we couldn't find any Diesel fuel we had to drive the loaders 12 miles to... a station that had just enough to fill us. We were working 18 hours on 6 off, sleeping in a furnished apartment .The first 2 days all we did was make openings so emergency vehicles could get in. On thursday we started helping getting the cars out. It was amazing I would pull into a lot and 40 or 50 people would emerge, All with shovels, They all came together to help each other out. Every time a car was freed they would cheer and high 5s all around.Elderly people were shuttling coffee and beer to the younger workers.It became a party. There were 18 lots in this complex I was assigned to. We finished up late last night, Got a hotel room ,Slept 6 hours and started the long ride home, Home never looked so good. It is now Tuesday night, I'm all rested up and ready to be in the woods at daybreak. Hard hunting till the end.
  12. Hoyt 300

    It's over

    For me Bowseason has ended, I'm staying in today preparing for the invasion of the ORANGE ARMY. Gun season opens at daylight tomorrow. It was a very good Bow season here. I logged 180 hrs in the woods. With all my other commitments I squizzed every available hour on stand. 2 mature Doe and a big 4 pt. Enough Venison to keep us happy for a year. The excitement of getting a shootable Deer in Bow range is heart pounding, Shaking, Breath taking. Now for Gun season, No more peac...e and solitude. It is replaced with old friends, Gunshots all around and taking aim out to 100 yards.Between the 4 of us we have 4 Buck tags and 9 Doe tags. I need 2 more Deer to feed Jay and Christy and my Grandsons, And then theres Matt, Living in a house in Geneseo with 7 other runners.Any Deer over that will be donated to Feed the hungary. To the Hunters Be Safe, Hunt smart, Have Fun, Remember thats what it's all about.
  13. The hard Hunting is over till Gun season starts. It was a very good Bow season. The first 2 weeks I harvested 2 nice mature Does. The following weeks it slowed a little, I was still seeing Deer but no Bucks. Last Sunday evening a real nice 8 pt came up through the Hardwoods at 120 yds, I gave 3 soft grunts he turned and came in to 40 yds, He presented me no shot. Since Sunday it has been a constant flow of Doe and Bucks. Saturday morning was perfect cold and very light breeze, A real slow start, At 8:45 3 Doe out at 60 yds Then a small 6 pt, a Spike ,the big 8 pt was back, I grunted he never even looked, About 5 minutes later a real nice 4pt walked out of my pines at 21 yds. Double lunged him, A great blood trail, A tough drag up the hill. The freezer is full. 2 DMPs left. I'm taking a couple days off, Any more deer will be given to friends that are not as lucky.
  14. Last evening at 6:10 I hit a nice mature Doe. After waiting 30 minutes I climbed down ,found the arrow , good bright red blood ,good blood on the ground. I had heard her crash and figured she wasn't far. The blood trail was very limited. My Son came out and he instantly found the trail. Apparently as I'm aging I'm losing some color vision at dusk. Has any one had any luck with the Blood Lights, If so what is the best one. She only ran 40 yds. Quick recovery
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