Ohio deer hunting sucks! Yes there are awesome bucks & alot of them killed comparitavely to some other states. 15 years ago I would have said we had some of the best whitetail hunting in the country. The population was too high actually. Road kills everywhere. That has changed with the exploding coyote population ( which is another subject, you think they are in every state by accident? Insurance companys dream) & too high of bag limit. Will you see deer bowhunting yes. Its the same few though. I used to drive 30 miles of highway each way to work. The last several years hardly any road kill. Thats from a drastically snaller heard. You go out gun week. I go on my own land. You may not even see a deer or only 2 or 3 in a week. Its all about insurance companies & lobbyist in my opinion$$$. When is the ballance right? When everyone is pissed off. The pendulum has swung too far & the people here are accustomed to shooting does. You see 3 mature does in Oct. & theres only 2 yearlings with them & season has just started. Coyotes? Its something going on. My rant is over