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Chemung Co. 8Y
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Fred Bear TRX
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With state budget limitations and shortfalls, oil and gas regulators are spread too thin to do their jobs, even with the minimal guidelines in place. Cuomo himself seems to have admitted inconsistencies in his energy policy when he banned fracking in the New York City watershed but opened it for most of the state. If fracking is safe, why not allow it near New York City? If it is not safe, are the watersheds of rural peoples less valuable than that of the cities? We need a lot more research on fracking before we embrace it as national policy or a state policy matter of factly. As usual however, science follows our thirst for cheap energy rather than creating a path for long-term clean energy independence through careful research and cautious treading. http://earthjustice.org/features/campaigns/fracking-across-the-united-states http://www.texasobserver.org/forrestforthetrees/a-big-fracking-deal http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Fracking http://globalcomment.com/2011/fracking-in-new-york-the-real-cost/
Lets see some more trail camera photos - 2011 version!
Ididit4myboy replied to burmjohn's topic in Trail Camera Pictures
Can you post trail cam video on here or will it not upload? -
Doc you will find that they FLAT OUT tell you (but not in so many words) in the report that it is potentially very dangerous and detrimental to the environment. They give you an almost 20 page list of the chemicals that go in (fracking fluid) and out (flow-back) of the wells. They have the list done in a manner that people have to do their own research in MSDS to find out the nasty part of the chemicals. There is a ton of $ at stake and that is why it is not on the 6'o clock news. But trust me when you read it, it oughta be on the 6'o clock news!
Doc I strongly urge you to become informed. NYSDEC's latest study is based on scientific research in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. I assure you I am NOT a special interest group unless you want to count my family as one. You think I'm a tree hugger? The only time I hug a tree is when I'm getting in or out of my treestand. I am a realist I try to base my views and decisions on REAL world facts. Lets do as VJP says and end some of the ignorance here on the forum. We need to be informed on this one it's more important than you may think. I WOULD LIKE EVERYONE ON THE FORUM TO READ THE REPORT IT WILL ENLIGHTEN YOU. I AM GOING TO PUT A POLL UP DO NOT VOTE UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THE REPORT! I TRULY BELIEVE THAT AFTER READING THE REPORT WE WILL HAVE AN ALMOST UNANAMOUS OUTCOME. WHICH IM SURE HAS ALMOST NEVER HAPPENED ON THE FORUM ESPECIALLY FOR SUCH A HOT TOPIC. IF WE CAN AGREE ON THIS THEN MAYBE WE CAN REALLY MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN THIS STATE THAT WE CALL HOME. SO PLEASE READ THE REPORT AND THEN VOTE.
We New Yorkers need to make OUR OFFICIALS that WE ELECTED accountable. We need to voice our opinions loud and clear. I just had a son last year and I think all the time, "How can I NOT leave things better for him than the way they were left for me" We are playing russian roulette with our environment, our health and well-being. Hydro-fracking is wrong on so many levels that i REALLY do not see how they can even concieve the idea of allowing it. It is not going to make things any better for my family's future, or the future of this state. So why are we going to do it? Are we going to do it because the money is here and now? That's just not good enough for me and I'm no rich man by any monetary means. Do you guys have sons and daughters? Do you worry about how you are going to leave this state, this country, this world to your sons, your daughters, your nieces and nephews. Whats really important here the money or the people that we care about that we have to leave behind someday? "In God We Trust" and I hope the people of this state realize what is truly important. I know what matters most to me in my life.
All i can say is that i have read the report and in my OPINION the money that it will bring will last only for a short time, 30 years tops. And in that 30 years they expect roughly 50,000 wells to be drilled on average 1600 wells a year. At what cost? Water, air, plant and animal damage? Damage to the human race ? I really think the OVERALL damage will cost us more than we know at this point. Its seems kinda like asbestos to me everyone thought it was great until people noticed the repercussions from it. You know why does it always seem to take 30 years down the road to find out," O we shouldnt have put that asbestos in that school it gave cancer to most of the kids." You know why does it always have to be money now we will worry about the problems later. So in my OPINION i say we worry about what could happen to us, and our children now! Instead of finding that we've made a huge mistake 30 years down the road. I think we need to move away from fracking and learn from other states good fortune or mistakes. Another point is the price of natural gas can only go up so if we wait and take a harder look and find out that it is ok or maybe they find a better way to get the gas out then we are due to make more money when everyone else is tapped out. Its like money in the bank and the numbers can only go up. So with that said I say NAY at least for now.