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Everything posted by newbee

  1. well its the first day .. and as i may have mentioned in my intro im back in school, and i have over 20 pages of writing todo due monday/ tuesday.. I wish you all the best.. gonna be a late season for me.. the horror.. the horror.. the horror
  2. I shoot a 100 grain tip, due to arrow; weight(357 gr. gross), length (27") and FOC (12").
  3. I would love to be able to, but I wouldn't.. impressive to say the least though
  4. newbee

    Which Sight?

    love trophy ridge, and want to check out the G5, I like the idea of the floating pin.. but again the verticle pin system on TR is awesome!
  5. the theory behind drop aways is minimal arrow contact, as soon as you release, the arrow is sent on a straight path, with a drop away you have negative effects with any poor follow through. with a whisker biscuit your shooting fundamentals ,proper shot follow through, are a must because any variance or movement will be translated to the arrow. shot follow through; holding your bow on target (as though you were still aiming) until your target is hit If you can get your bow tuned and adjust to the difference, i think you will enjoy the drop away, however this close to season, you may want to stick with what you know and trust. maybe hold off to post season to start using new tackle. my .02 on it, and with inflation, its not worth much
  6. thats what i call a blood trail!... impressive.
  7. congrads! your in for a of of fun, find a reputable shop.. and good luck!!!
  8. .... X2.... Cx maxima hunters, 71#'s of Ke I am going through my Block target, traveling 6 inches more and punching through 3/4" ply with no damage to the arrow.. @ 50 yrds the tip is exposed in the rear of ply wood. @ 20 yards it travels an additional 4 inches or so and is buried in my shed made out of 1/2".. very consistent and accurate arrows
  9. well I was wondering and thought id ask, what would be a good entry level stand? ease of use, cost and weight.. I was looking at gorilla they seem reasonable and manageable as far as weight.. I figure sticks and a fixed stand , and possibly a small blind .. any one use em, or have any better ideas?? the hunting fairy that dropped off the new bow re allocated hunting funds from different pools so the price of kit was lowered once the rig $ went up thanks in advance
  10. bought the fuse axium stabilizer. excellent harmonic dampening
  11. 1st one up to say Welcome!!! unfortunately I am new here too, and cant help you on the hunting area. : ..any way welcome good sir..
  12. nice rug!!! one day, and hopefully soon, ill have one as pretty.. congrads
  13. I de-sent my gear and collect vegetation from my hunting area prior to hunt and place it in with my clothes. making a "tea bag" out of the __stuff you collected ___ in a cheese cloth wrap or a new and washed knee high panty hose sock works well too. also you can extract your own sent spray via the same way. get some earth, and branches from area, put earth in actual tea bags to help in filtering , and boil in distilled water.. reduce by half, or desired strength.. place in spray bottle and viola! you have your own customized natural sent from your own hunting area... your wife may get TO'd because your cooking tree dirt soup but you wont smell like anything foreign... if you want to buy, my buddy swears by a little skunk oil.. philosophy is they can be and are typically any where you may want to hunt and not a threat to dear.. come to think of it I am going to bottle my own and sell it.. any takers??? good luck
  14. welcome, i might have to take a class, would be pretty cool to be able to do your own mounts
  15. welcome.. do other members get a discount, or free first hunt : ....jk ;D
  16. welcome 13B ..You dont have to quit hunting, Ill just call it in for you and adjust rounds till you have steel on fur... newbee (13F) out..
  17. welcome, theres alot of good information here
  18. newbee

    New Bow

    Well, I pulled the trigger and picked up a new bow. its been about 6 years since I got my last one so according to my story I was long over due and needed a back up bow, cause what if something went wrong??? Seriously It was time to upgrade. Bowtech Destroyer 350, 70# 25" draw 357 grain arrow 300 fps, 71.5 #'s of Ke. couldn't be happier need to address the sight and rest.. with a new bow you need new accessories right?? extreme archery raptor, nice sight but need something bigger (getting old sucks!!!) and QAD pro Hunter hd.. a bit noisy. I am thinking about a G5 sight and another Trophy ridge rest or maybe the apache by NAP. but that is another thread.
  19. it is a nice rest, unfortunately it has been P_$$ing out all weekend. so I havent shot much. going to goto ND tomorrow and get some items.. well see
  20. I just purchased a new rig (pics to come), my dilemma was finding a bow that could give me the best performance at 25inch draw length. here is a tool to play with; http://www.stickemarchery.com/stickemcart/archery-calculators.aspx very accurate and can help give you a starting point as to which bows to try out. and then there is feel. the better it feels to you the better you will be as an archer. kinda vague but its the truth, I love bowtech bows, but if the D350 didn't feel as good as it did, I would have gotten a PSE bow madness. very smooth. good luck
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