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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    The deer woods

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  • Hunting Location
    Suffolk county
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Fellow hunter

Slim's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. New York hunter... How is it you don't have a Doe tag hunting on long island?
  2. It's not the footwear. Your body's reaction to cold is to send more blood to your core. By doing so it limits blood flow to your extremities. The trick is to increase your core temperature, not 3 pairs of socks. I use a hot water bottle. Sometimes two. You know the ones that look like whoopie cushions. I have a vest I wear with inside pockets. I put the water bottles in them when I get on stand. When you get up in the morning boil a pot of water. Fill the bottles. None of you guys ever saw the 20/20 with the doctor who sat in the meat freezer in his underoos with a heated vest on and was perfectly warm. It works. You could wear flip flops to your stand.. I bet ya scent killer makes a pair. ; )
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