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About BOBBY29

  • Birthday 12/09/1981

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    308 savage
  • HuntingNY.com
    the search bar

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i know i can own as many guns as i want. what i was talking about is im going to buy a gun tomarow so can i buy one more in dec for a gift that is wht im not sure about thx bobby
  2. is ther a law on how many shot guns rifles i can buy ? i have searched all over the place and can not fide one on this matter thx bobby
  3. BOBBY29


    thx i was a little confused
  4. so ture i love them vest thay have out now for tree stand hunting
  5. BOBBY29


    can you hunt turkeys with a 22 in new york ?
  6. hey bro its all most time to go out hunting joe you ready to go
  7. thank you for all the welcomes and welcome to all the outher newbe in the post here
  8. i live near schohaire county i hunt state land
  9. hello im bobby been hunting sence i was 16.I just wanted to interduce my self im hunting in zone 4 and live ther as well
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