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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by BIGHUNTER2700537

  1. No im not saying that they should follow my choice, I have always Veiw bowhunting to be the chanlge of deer hunting anyone or most people can kill an deer with an gun but it takes more skill to kill one with an bow and now that there are crossbows it baically like and gun but it shoots and arrow, there no pre season prep for a cross bow all you have to do is look down the scope aim for the vitals and pull trigget when it 10 to 40 yrds in front of you. you  mind should just get rid of bowhunting you can do that with a rifle and with compound bows you shoot year round to get your aim down.

  2. [table]    [tr]  [td][/td]  [td]

      Here a basic thing i found online---

    Walleyes are a member of the perch family and are sharp-toothed predators, feeding on minnows, and perch and young fish of all species. Walleyes exhibit schooling behavior with a number of walleyes found together, although sometimes the school may fan out over a wide area in to the water. The trick is to find a school that is actively feeding and willing to bite. The best eating walleyes are usually smaller ones, up to about 3-4 pounds. Being one of the tastiest fish to eat, you can fillet them and take a thick, long strip of almost boneless meat off each side.

    There are three basic techniques that fishermen use for walleyes, with minor variations. You can jig a fish - a hook with a lead head - tipped with a minnow, leech or night crawler on the end of the hook. These are usually cast and retrieved near the bottom or fished exactly vertically over the side of the boat, just off the bottom.

    You can also fish a spinner and crawler harness - a colored spinner blade tipped with bait - behind a bottom-bouncer sinker. These are trolled just fast enough so that the sinker is near the bottom and the blade spins. Walleye usually takes the bait on the troll. You can fish crank baits - a plastic or wood minnow-shaped lure - either by casting and retrieving them or by trolling them behind a boat. Walleyes are very sluggish when the temperature is very cold, thus fishing jig is probably the best way to catch this fish. As water becomes warmer, the fish too gets very active and thus trolled crank baits becomes more practical for fishing during this time.

    As you progress at the walleye angling game, you usually have at least a couple of fishing rods. You will progress to a spinning reel and rod for jigs, using 6-pound or 8-pound test monofilament. You will also have an open-spool bait casting reel and rod for bottom bouncers and crank baits, using 10- to 17-pound test monofilament. The best colors for spinner blades and crank baits are chartreuse, perch finish and blue and silver. Always avoid pink color.

    You can always catch walleyes from shore or by wading through the water and casting for them. The best way you can start at walleye fishing is to find a walleye fisherman who already has a boat and go along with them. Learn a few tricks from experienced fishermen.

    Fishing Walleye is very challenging and is full of fun. It doesn't really matter if you're a just a beginner or an experienced veteran. The most important thing when you go fishing is to have fun and seek a bit of solitude.


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