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  • Hunting Location
    Capital district
  • Hunting Gun
    Marlin 30/30
  • Bow

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  1. Went to one of my better spots today after seeing 16 deer last time I hunted it. As I was walking in around 1 I jumped 3 does that took off towards the pines. Once in the stand I could see that the area had been used heavily earlier in the morning so I figured I would catch them heading back to feed. Around 330 I catch movement off to my right and see its a smaller buck. I decided when I was walking in that I would take a younger buck or doe this sit. The deer slowly approached and I let him have it at around 30 yards, he ran 50 yards and piled up. This is certainly not a monster deer but after the hours that I have put in and with having two young boys at home I am extremely happy. I was getting worried as the season was coming to an end that passing up on some smaller bucks earlier in the season would come back to haunt me. This upcoming weekend the pressure is now off. I always look forward to the late muzzleloader season so maybe I can connect with one of the 8 or 10 pointers we had on camera earlier in the season.
  2. Hunted this morning in 4L for the 5th time this season. Buddy was able to score on a small 6 point and that was the only deer that we seen all morning. Plenty of fresh tracks in the snow, we will be back out tomorrow to try it again.
  3. Well after 5 hours of searching and no new blood we ran out of light. We searched the whole property with 4 guys and not any sign of a injured deer at all. The property is pretty think so he could have been down and we didn't see him but I hope it was a shot he can survive. Hope it makes it till next season because he will be a beast. Time to clean all the guns and put the gear away for the year. Hope everybody had a good holiday Season!
  4. Went out with a buddy yesterday for the last day. On the very first small push I put a nice 6 or 8 pointer by him and he misses. The deer stands there and allows him to take another shot and you guessed it strike two. Well sure enough he loads again and this time he hits it put far back and the animal took off. We backed out of the woods and let it set for 3 hours and then went back in. We found where he ht the deer and found little blood and a big piece of bone. We followed the little blood we could find and sure enough we found where he was bedded and there was probably a cup of blood in the bed and you could tell where the put his head down (horn marks in the ground). It got dark and we lost track of the blood, gonna go back in a few minutes with some guys and try and do a grid search. If we find the deer is it legal to remove it even though the season is closed? We are going in today with no firearms due to the season being over but was wondering what we should do if we do find the deer. I don't have much hope after the hard rain but maybe just maybe it will happen. It was definitely not the way I wanted to end the season.
  5. Yesterday i seen the most deer in one outing that i have seen all year. I have seen some mention of a second late rut and was wondering what that was all about. I have been hunting my spot pretty heavily and yesterday i found some very large fresh tree rubs on a well traveled trail. I also found multiple spots in the same chunk of woods where a deer has urinated and it appears to be very bloody, Is this possibly a hot doe? Just wondering since i plan on hunting heavy again next week with the smoke pole. Thanks
  6. Hey guys just found this site searching the web and figured i would share my story from a few days ago. It the woods on Thursday around noon and decided to sit in my new stand down in a swamp where i have seen big deer in the past. Before getting into the stand i put out a few shot from a buck bomb in the areas of all my shooting lanes. From my stand i can see another oak ridge on the other side of the creek and i could see some deer but couldnt tell what they were. After watching them for 30 min or so something caught my eye to my left in the thick brush of the swamp. All i could see is a white tail and then it was gone. After searching through the brush trying to catch another glimpse of him i caught a shot of horns. I got my self ready for a possible shot sicne he was walking my way and then he came right into my lane, put the pin on him and let one fly. Deer took right off and jumped the creek and i could hear him trying to get up the other side but he never did. Gave him a hour and got downa nd started looking for my arrow and blood but i couldnt find either. I crossed the creek and 30 yards away from my stand he was balled up at the base of a tree, the same exact spot my buck from last year died. Turned out to be a 3 pointer with a nice build. Wasnt a huge deer my any means, but after missing the last two years i can finally say i took a deer with the bow. I have put in alot of time during the bow season with nothing to show for it until now and boy does it feel great. Good luck out there guys, the rut seems to really begining to fire up. Shoot straight
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