For those who offered congratulations to my uncle, thank you! He is very excited, I am thrilled for him and I'll pass your comments on.
I blocked his face because I posted the pics and chose to protect his privacy. Believe me, he is smiling in the pics!
He is planning to have the deer officially scored and give it the respect it deserves, but HE can do that when HE wants, at HIS pace, not mine.
For the doubters... you have every right to doubt. But that right doesn't change the fact that this was an ethical, fair chase hunt. 3 shots, 3 hits! 2 in the shoulder, 1 in the neck... "he kept running, so I kept shooting."
One more pic and then I'm done with this... believe what you will, but feel free to blow this up and look for road rash, hair loss, broken front legs, etc. With exception to his rear, right hoof, this was a perfectly healthly beast!