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mike rossi

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mike rossi

  1. Well, you know, I am sorry, but I just don't like the new and upcoming repetitive refrain that without following politics you are in the dark. It is a clever excuse that "sounds good" but is very misleading.. When I post info on here pertaining to things policy makers are up to, which are hunting-related, much of it is ignored. When it is not ignored, some of the engagement emphasizes partisan-ism without any real connection to the subject matter. So, not only is this site heavy in partisan content in its respective forum, but it is introduced into nearly every other topic. As others have alluded in this thread over and over, this is suppose to be a hunting site. As such, it is reasonable to expect everyone on here is interested in hunting. In reality that is not the case. But those of us who are, should be able to have hunting-related conversions which are not diverted. In the broader picture, even outside of this site, this is part of the hunting culture. But I don't think it is either fair or realistic to expect people who are hardcore hunters to never lash out at interruptions and diversions. Maintain that one-sided standard and the forum will eventually be comprised of nothing but what is in the political section.
  2. I see you are from Livingston County, that is the DEC's pheasant habitat focus area. If you own property in the HFA you might be eligible for financial incentives to encourage pheasant habitat. If you go to the DEC's page at this link they list Habitat Conservation Assistance Programs among other things. The organization Pheasants Forever can also work with you and the DEC on your property. To work with PF you would contact them and ask to speak to their Private Lands Biologist covering the area where your land is located. Also, I do not want to encourage over harvest and I really do not get a strong sense for the situation you are describing, but you should be aware that unless the situation is dire straights, harvesting male pheasant has little impact on the population. Pheasants are polygynous meaning one male will breed with multiple females, just like deer. Here is the link: http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/72543.html
  3. Thanks! They just might take home a gun or two if they do go, there usually is a lot of prizes.
  4. Listen, I deal with our state Legislators every week, have you even ever written one letter? . Prior to delving into the dove initiative, I dealt with politicians who politically, ideologically, arbitrarily and capriciously decide what science they like and do not like. Treat your discontent with politicians like your sexuality, keep it to yourself, nobody really cares. You voice it at the polls , not everywhere. That you are "proud" of hating democrats , liberals, or the other wing, doesn't interest people with half a brain, and does nothing toward any solution, improvement, or compromise... Awareness? The awareness starts with the facts, not with politics. You got it in reverse order. Instead of judging the facts on the politician, judge the politician on the facts.
  5. I already posted in another thread today, that people on this site, and many hunters i encounter elsewhere online; conflate almost anything with politics. It is like they are so obsessed with their ideology that they incorporate it into anything and everything they can. Even a discussion about habitat becomes politicized. Personally, I do not really care if politically charged conversations are a separate part of the site, although I agree with Elmo and others that it is indeed a turn off to new members seeking a hunting site. However, there is no reason for politics to enter many of the discussions it does.
  6. Grazing, like timber harvest and share cropping are sometimes used as tools to enhance habitat. The scientists working for the goverment agency which administers the land determines the cattle/sheep stocking rate per acre and the rotation schedule. Grazing is allowed for a below market fee but under rules (stocking rate, rotation) set by the agency. The ranchers are not allowed to overstock and over graze the land, but they also are paying below market value for grazing privileges. As I said elsewhere, few ranchers complain and understand they are getting a good deal. Bundy, reportedly not only thought he was paying too much, but was unhappy about the prescribed stocking rate. So, what the heck, lets just go in and take over federal public property, including an office.
  7. Its not a political topic.... I have also seen conservation topics put under politics.... That is the trouble with the world, everything is politicized....
  8. You know, i know many people are not capable of thinking abstractly. But I actually have a non-abstract, concrete example. Two words: Fred Neff. Neff is 75 years old. He and his wife are both ill. Neff spent the greater portion of his adult life advocating for sportsmen AND gun owners in NY State. Neff's 40 year old effort to reinstate dove hunting in NY has been undermined repeatedly. Not only that. I have copies of letters written to him that nobody deserves to be treated that way. I also have received almost as bad. So, what reciprocation did Neff get for fighting for the gun nuts? He didnt even get common , decent respect everyone deserves. I will tell you something else. Two weeks ago your council went in front of the legislature and testified. Twenty other people testified professionally. This guy was a disgrace. Not only was he a disgrace he did not address wildlife-dependent recreation ie. hunting, other than asking for further expansion of crossbow opportunities. What else did he go after? Expanded opportunities for snowmobiling and ATV use. 20 other organizations advocated in favor of wilderness / wild area in the Adirondacks. this guy, crosses 20 other organizations, and wants this to go otherwise. Two months ago I recieved correspondence from this same guy, chewing me out , that his organization has had unwavering support of dove hunting for many years. Why then, only 2 months later did he not include that in his legislative/budget proposal?
  9. And I don't need 7 bullets to kill a deeeer. or to defend my house. It is not practical to hunt doves with a bow, but I cant hunt them with an assault rifle either..... The second amendment also doesn't protect my right to use electronic dog training collars or reasonable regulations regulating training bird dogs in NY with training birds. It doesn't protect a million other things. Here is a deal: You all continue doing nothing for us; and we will begin doing nothing for you all..... Sounds like a good deal, we fudds are so small you know.....
  10. Good memories, what a concept Larry! I don't do preserves, clubs, and day old, but love state birds and wild birds. Here are some good memories with my wife! Bass Turds want to take this from her, me and others.....
  11. And some of them and some others work at undermining any effort by others to effect meaningful change. I was not one of the smart kids in school. But I wasn't one of the arses sitting in the back disrupting the class. Many of the outspoken hunters probably were those kids - interfering with every one else's learning so they can run their mouths. Another thing Vic, I have been trying to teach you down state guys as well as others, that these state organizations and rod and gun and fish and game clubs, these federations and theses councils aren't comprised of some wise old hunters. If you take pictures of these groups ( and I have pictures) and put them alongside the women auxiliary club or the rotary club or some bar, you cant tell the difference. These organizations don't shoot or hunt as much as they hold dinners , drink at their private bars, hold bake sales - yet the politicians visit these clubs and take their input on hunting matters. I got pics with various politicians at these clubs - "talking to Fred and Mable about important hunting legislation"... Yes, they own a house on 5 acres on a county road and have a shooting shed and a food plot and kill a deer in their back yard, but they aint hunters and have no business controlling hunting policy..... But it works for the politicians... I even think it works for the DEC to an extent.
  12. I am not going to edit my post again, it is too much work with the image, but I want to make it clear why it is better for 100 guns to go to 100 people rather than to one collector. Because that means 100 people are hunting, shooting, pro hunting, pro gun, and they are contributing to conservation. That is much better than 1 collector who only contributes his extreme opinions....
  13. You mean like this? FYI: And.... They are buying all these guns at gun shows.... So whats wrong with that? A lot.... First, buy selling used guns they are not contributing to the Pittman Robertson program.... The excise tax is only applied once. if you buy a new, American made gun, you contribute to the PR Fund. If you buy used, or from a non complying country, you screw the PR fund. Second they are enabling the gun shops, which are mere pawn shops to encourage people to "legally dispose" of their family guns instead of getting Junior into hunting. Walk into a gun shop 40 years ago, they would also sell decoys for example, Today, any hunting related gear in a gun shop was either sitting there for 40 years or thrown in with a gun deal. These storefronts serve as locations for shop owners to BUY guns. The do the reselling at these half arse gun shows. Sure they don't care if they sell 100 guns to one person, or 100 guns to 100 people. As a matter of fact they probably prefer the collector. They can deal to the collector without knowing a grouse from a pheasant. And they probably by guns from some widow so cheap they make a bigger profit margin than from Winchester and Remington. And yet, those who just want to kill some birds for dinner and work their dogs are supposed to bleed over the "gun show loophole". Not me. Bigger fish to fry - like attempts to ban e-collars for one. 1) Buy new guns 2) Buy American made guns 3) Avoid gun shows 4) Tell the widow that she should keep the gun for Junior. 5) Take Junior hunting 6) Don't fight for the gun culture. As much as they chant about sticking together , it is a one sided deal and worse, they bring the bad reputation, not the guy frying a few ducks for dinner.
  14. I dont know why this thread was moved to this section. It is not politics and it is not about gun laws.
  15. NY Dove Hunting launched another subsidiary. From this site, we have doewhacker and 16. gauge hunter working on the team. Those interested in our advocacy goals, as well as some dog training meet ups and hunts, are encouraged to use the web link below to learn about the organization and join us. Follow us on Facebook as well. http://thebirdhuntersofnewyork.weebly.com/
  16. Gee thanks for your opinion - there are 12 million other hunters in the USA and they all have one of them too. Interesting thing is these hash tags surface a day or two after this site has a couple of discussions about pheasant and grouse.
  17. Pretty hard not to read with a jaundiced eye anymore. I would not discourage someone from hunting because they do not have a dog. But I also would not discourage a serious bird hunter from getting a dog if he wants to. If you only hunt grouse a few times a year, then you probably do not have the level of interest to feed, care for and train a dog year round. But someone whose primary interest is bird hunting and hunts more than a few times a year, is a different story.
  18. I don't look at it that way. My dogs are not freeloaders, they have a job in the field and around the house. People have lived with dogs for thousands of years, because they provide us services.
  19. We just learned of an event posted on Facebook to protest a crow hunting contest in NY. Reading the comments within the event, we see someone commenting against the hunting of rails, gallinules, and woodcock. The theme: crows, rails, gallinules, and woodcock is webless migratory game birds, which would also include mourning doves, although they were not mentioned. Another comment pushed against grouse and pheasant hunting, and created the Facebook hash tags grouse lives matter and pheasant lives matter. This is why BIRD HUNTERS need to organize and sign petitions as we ask!
  20. Here is the criminal complaint against Bundy: http://res.cloudinary.com/bdy4ger4/image/upload/v1455216027/Cliven_Bundy_court_docs_zwyknm.pdf
  21. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/12/us/oregon-standoff.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1&referer=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2FhTsKgPwL7q
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