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Everything posted by Silverpigeon

  1. Sorry i cant help you out. I was there pre storm - mid-October. I'm sure it got a good share of downed trees & such. Im sure they\ll get the roads cleared in due order.
  2. Place is loaded with squirrels. Didn't see any rabbit or pheasants that day.
  3. Here's some specifics I think you're after: http://www.tn.gov/twra/pdfs/cottontail.pdf
  4. Ditto. I used to flush 8-10 rabbits in one of my Catskills spots. Only saw 3 all season this year. Grouse numbers seem to be ok - I usually flush 3-4 per day. Bring back 'yote coats! That'll get the trappers back in gear!
  5. I can attest to the same experience. I used to jump 8-10 rabbits in one day in one of my spots upstate. But I have noticed a decline in the rabbit population over the past few years to the point where I wasn't able to flush one in that spot when I hit it last month. I've been out 5-6 times this year, and only managed to see 3 over the entire season. There is definitely a disaster going on with the coyote population explosion. I can only assume (and hope) that when the rabbit population goes down, the 'yotes will move out, allowing the rabbits to repopulate.
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