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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wztirem

  1. In many parts of the State the Deer habitat has already been impacted by the overpopulation of deer. Increased opportunities and longer seasons are the DEC's way of maximizing population control to offset the loss of hunters and to preserve habitat (I hope)
  2. I prefer natural "stinky tarsal glands" myself. They are undedr a buck! LOL
  3. I bought a rechargeable 12 volt LED Light from Cabelas for about 30 bucks (including accessories), its lightweight and serves my purpose well.
  4. In the past I primarily hunted private land in several DMU's. For the past several years I have elected to hunt State Land closer to home and may I add with excellent results. I have not eaten a tag sandwich in a long while.
  5. I recently saw an advertisement for the "Hot to squat deer decoy"? Are they serious? I am sure this product is one of many that fits the subject title. Any others come to mind?
  6. Doc, You know the old saying "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it"
  7. Seemingly the majority of the posters to this Forum hunt private property, but how many of us hunt Public Land?
  8. I always chuckle when watching how a dead deer is presented on TV for the viewers. Very rarely is the deer piled up, Q-Smile and blood everywhere. Typically, the recovery is sanitized as to not upset the non-hunter. I would love to see the edited outakes!
  9. Those poor Bills, they are going to waxed!
  10. New York: In 1996 New York opened Sunday hunting on three Sundays during deer season. Within five years the law was changed to allow all Sunday hunting, except on specifically designated land Below is the link: NRA-ILA :: The Truth About Sunday Hunting: Why Hunters Shouldn`t ... Mar 14, 2005 ... Restrictions on Sunday hunting treat hunters as second-class citizens. ... Sundays during deer season; South Carolina allows Sunday hunting on private ... New York: In 1996 New York opened Sunday hunting on three Sundays ... www.nraila.org/issues/factsheets/read.aspx?id=174&issue... - Cached - Similar
  11. As I predomininately hunt State Land, I sit the entire day concealed in a blind, with more than enough to eat and drink. To pass the time I usually do crossword puzzles or read.
  12. I would call them directly. Downloading such a program may harm your computer.
  13. "Be smart and wear B/O while hunting, but don't worry about the other hunter that doesn't. His welfare is not your concern if his risk is self imposed." Mr. VJP, I would have to disagree with you regarding the above statement. In regards to shooting incidents, the degree of accountability lies primarily upon the shooter.
  14. As soon as the season opens; that guy deserves to be killed for tresspassing.
  15. Bring a GPS and extra batteries with you. Cell phone signals are not reliable.
  16. Presently, I am managing two construction projects at BNL in Brookhaven. Its amazing how many deer inhabit that property (HUNTING is Forbidden). The turkeys there are so abundant and tame and are not afraid of people. I know of guys who bow hunt opposite the Lab property, parking along the west side of William Floyd parkway but I believe the property is private despite not being posted in many areas. Anyone bow hunt there?
  17. There is a lot of truth in the cartoon. A minority of hunters are responsible for leaving trash behind. We have all seen it. When scouting I bring along a garbage bag and pick up trash when I can. I have had stand locations on Public and Private land despoiled by many a slob hunter.
  18. You are correct in your assupmtion Doc. What I found interesting was the graph regarding license sales and revenues as well as the amount of money available to the Conservation fund.
  19. If you leave them up, chances are someone will take them down for you especially if you are not a full time resident.
  20. How to Keep Your Feet Warm in Cold, Winter Weather Thus, the first step in keeping feet warm and dry in cold weather is to make sure you have a boot that won't defeat your efforts by allowing water to ... www.bigskyfishing.com › Snow Boots - Cached - Similar
  21. How to Treat a Deer Tick Bite | eHow.com May 5, 2010 ... How to Treat a Deer Tick Bite. Deer ticks, unlike other types of ticks, carry Lyme Disease, a disease that causes flu-like symptoms, ... www.ehow.com › Health › Bites & Stings › Tick Bites - Cached - Similar A wealth of information exists on the internet pertaining to the above. It is certainly worth reading.
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